Netflix’s upcoming culinary show, Iron Chef: Quest for an Iron Legend, is set to premiere on June 15, with nine challenger chefs ready to dethrone five Iron Chefs. Among these challenger chefs, sandwich specialist Mason Hereford will also join the panel to become the ultimate Iron Chef. He is also the grandson of former University of Virginia president Frank Hereford.
Season 1 of the show is a faceoff between the best chefs in the industry and a set of challenger chefs who are geared to take away the crown by beating them in a series of culinary challenges. Both sides will compete against each other under challenging circumstances. The five Iron Chefs on the show are Curtis Stone, Dominique Crenn, Gabriela Cámara, Marcus Samuelsson, and Ming Tsai.
The official synopsis of the show reads:
“Five new trailblazing Iron Chefs will welcome brave Challenger Chefs to the reimagined Kitchen Stadium, where they’ll face off and be pushed to the limits of endurance and creativity, as they cook up extraordinary culinary creations. The competition’s most successful Challenger will return to battle in a grand finale for the chance to be named the first-ever Iron Legend.”
Chef Mason Hereford from Iron Chef: Quest for an Iron Legend grew up eating sandwiches
Born in Charlottesville, Virginia Mason Hereford ate a lot of sandwiches during his childhood. Growing up, he hated the Bologna sandwich that his mother used to make. According to Mason, bolognas with yellow mustard and potato chips on white bread were 'gross.' Instead, he was in complete awe of the turkey and cranberry relish sandwich known as the Jefferson, a popular item found at his college restaurant.
35-year-old Mason had an obsession with dining out, which eventually developed into his knack for cooking professionally when he started working in bars. In fact, at a very young age, the Virginia boy had predicted that he would open a giant sandwich shop once he grew up. After working in a few restaurants in San Francisco and Charleston, in 2016, he opened Turkey and the Wolf New Orleans, his sandwich shop with the quirkiest menu.
Viewers will be shocked to know that the restaurant's name was the idea of a girl who was really into wolves and found them to be her spirit animal. Moreover, the restaurant won America’s Best New Restaurant title from the Bon Appétit Magazine.
Furthermore, in 2019, he opened his second restaurant, Molly’s Rise and Shine, a breakfast spot that served a classic American menu with a twist. He also endorses Duke’s mayonnaise and is set to write an untitled cookbook. As a chef, he believed that cooking must always be enjoyable.
Including Mason Hereford, the other challengers on the show will be Esther Choi, Curtis Duffy, Gregory Gourdet, Mason Hereford, MeiLin, Claudette Zepeda, Yia Vang.
Apart from challengers like Mason Hereford, the show will feature guest judges, such as Francis Lam, Nancy Silverton, Justin Willman, Danny Trejo, Lorena Garcia, Loni Love, Wolfgang Puck, and Masaharu Morimoto in their eight episodes, which will run for 45-minutes each.
Iron Chef: Quest for an Iron Legend will premiere on June 15 on Netflix.