MTV’s The Real World Homecoming New Orleans is set to reunite the cast members of the 2000 era on Paramount+. Matt Smith, part of the star cast, is the president and founder of SmithHOUSE, a creative/digital agency based out of Phoenix, Arizona.
The Real World Homecoming: New Orleans will feature star cast members incuding David “Tokyo” Broom, Melissa Howard, Jamie Murray, Danny Roberts, Matt Smith, Julie Stoffer, and Kelley Wolf. They will pick up from where they left off in the 2000-era show, sorting out their differences and confronting their grudges.
Matt Smith from The Real World Homecoming: New Orleans loves to garden
Matt has a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design from Georgia Tech, as he has a knack for designing. The 21-year-old also achieved his master’s degree in business administration from the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. However he grew up in the rural southern hamlet of Hiawassee, Georgia.
The interior designer is a devoted Catholic and likes to attend Mass every Sunday. Moreover, The Real World Homecoming star is a keen gardener and takes care of his backyard. Smith regularly shares what he is growing in his garden with his audience on social media and also gives virtual tours of the same.
Matt has a wife, Candyce, alongside six children, consisting of four daughters and two sons. He is close to his family and often spends quality time with them.
He likes to click pictures of the sunset when he is by the sea and manages to catch sunsets whenever possible. When he was on the show in 2000, he was known as an avid fan of hip-hop and culture, However, it is known how much of a fan he is now.
When asked about his experience of starring in MTV's golden era, he stated on his website,
"It was fun to be a part of MTV in its golden era. Recently, I went back home to visit my parents and my momand played some old VHS tapes of when I was on The Real World: New Orleans and the Road Rules Challenge: The Gauntlet."
Talking about his daughter's reaction, he said:
"My oldest daughter, who was 4-years-old at the time, met me in the kitchen and gave me a big hug as she cried. She sobbed and explained that it hurt her feelings that I was voted off the show. Being a dad is so much cooler than being an MTV reality star."
The Real World Homecoming: New Orleans will air on Paramount+ on April 20 at 3.00 am ET and 12.00 am PT.