Nicholas "Nick" Arrington is one of the cast members of Bravo’s new series Summer House: Martha's Vineyard, a spin-off of Summer House. The series will feature 12 successful African-Americans who have been friends for many years, enjoying a summer in the popular Martha's Vineyard holiday destination.
Originally from Woodbridge, Virginia, Nicholas is a 37-year-old brand manager for Deloitte. He also styles grooms for their weddings and dresses models in gorgeous wedding suits. According to Bravo’s description, Arrington is a self-proclaimed romantic who has high standards when it comes to dating. It also states:
"He insists that his future wife must be in shape and have a skincare routine that matches his own."
Nick is deeply involved in many sports tournaments and often participates in marathons.
Summer House: Martha's Vineyard cast member Nicholas “Nick” Arrington currently lives in New York
Nicholas grew up in a suburb just outside Washington, DC, and is very closely attached to his mother, who told him:
"If you walk out of my house looking any kind of way...people will treat you any kind of way."
Arrington took the statement to heart and called his style "a modern-day dandy." He attended Tuskegee University and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing Management in 2008. Since then, he has worked at JP Morgan Chase as a program analyst, at RR Donnelley as an assistant stylist, at Barclays as an assistant vice president, and is currently the sports brand manager at Deloitte.
Nicholas' LinkedIn profile states that he has expertise in "business-to-business sales, retail, corporate hospitality, fashion, financial services, and global philanthropy." He currently lives in New York and often models for the BMG agency. Arrington has more than 8K followers on Instagram.
As seen in the Summer House: Martha's Vineyard trailer, a girl will challenge Nicholas to jump into the pool while still wearing his clothing. He does dive into the water, but he worries about his pricey shoes.
About Summer House: Martha’s Vineyard season 1
Bravo's description of the series reads:
"Summer House: Martha's Vineyard follows a group of 12 friends as they enjoy their island getaway. With beach parties, decadent dinners, and summer hookups, both fun and drama are in store for these young Black professionals and entrepreneurs."
It continues:
"In Summer House: Martha's Vineyard, the friends have known one another for years and are excited to let loose this summer, indulging in cultural experiences and exclusive island activities while learning to overcome their personal obstacles."
The cast of the upcoming Bravo series will be seen playing beach games, hosting parties, and reconnecting with their African roots while vacationing in locations like Martha's Vineyard, one of the first islands to permit black citizens to buy homes and take trips.
Jasmine and Silas got married last year, and the couple is hosting their 10 friends at the popular vacation destination. The cast members of Summer House: Martha's Vineyard include:
- Alex Tyree
- Amir Lancaster
- Bria Fleming
- Jasmine Cooper
- Jason Lyke
- Jordan Emanuel
- Mariah Torres
- Nicholas “Nick” Arrington
- Preston Mitchum
- Shanice Henderson
- Silas Cooper
- Summer Marie Thomas
Summer House: Martha's Vineyard premieres on Bravo on May 7 at 9 pm ET, with fresh episodes dropping every Sunday. Fans can also stream the episodes on the Peacock streaming website and on the network's website.