The American teen drama, My Life with the Walter Boys, hit the streaming platform Netflix on December 7, 2023. The show has a talented star cast, with actress Nikki Rodriguez leading the series. In the show, Rodriguez, who is 21 years old, plays the lead role of Jackie Howard, who moves to Silver Falls after losing her family in a car accident.
According to IMDB, the synopsis for My Life with the Walter Boys reads:
“Jackie Howard's life is disrupted by a freak accident, she is ripped from her home and has to start over on a ranch in Colorado, with her guardian and a family of 9 boys and 1 girl.”
Nikki Rodriguez is known for her work in multiple short films, television series and films, and has a diverse portfolio.
Nikki Rodriguez: Spotlight on age, filmography, and more
Born on December 17, 2002, in Los Angeles, Nikki Rodriguez is a rising actress. She is 21 years old and is currently starring in the latest drama series, My Life with the Walter Boys. The teen drama show was released on Netflix on December 7, 2023. The coming-of-age drama is adapted from a novel of the same name by Ali Novak, who first published the eponymous book on Wattpad in 2014.
The show has Nikki Rodriguez as Jackie Howard, the lead character in the storyline. Besides Rodriguez, the Netflix drama also stars Ashby Gentry as Alex Walter, Noah LaLonde as Cole Walter, Corey Fogelmanis as Nathan Walter, Johnny Link as Will Walter, and Connor Stanhope as Danny Walter.
The show also has Jaylan Evans as Skylar, Zoë Soul as Hayley Young, Sarah Rafferty as Dr Katherine Walter, and Marc Blucas as George Walter.
Rodriguez commenced her acting career with the short film This Land is Your Land, released in 2018. In the feature, she played the role of Prisoner 2. Following that, she appeared in multiple short films and television series.
Later, she starred in the short film Roadkill, released in 2019. She played the role of Tammy, earning praise for her acting skills.
Rodriguez starred as Brie in the television series, Adam Ruins Everything, which aired from 2015 to 2019. She made a guest appearance on the show. As of now, the television series has an IMDB rating of 8.1.
In 2020, besides acting, she also explored her career as a producer in the short film Bunny Run. In the film, she played the role of Mackenzie, while serving as the lead of the production team.
Rodriguez starred in the 2021 television series, On My Block, where she played the role of Vero for nine episodes. She eventually rose to fame by starring in the film, Back to Lyla, released in 2022. She played the role of Sarah in the film.
Her most recent project, My Life with the Walter Boys, has a total of 10 episodes. As per reports, a second season for the show was also announced in December 2023.