In the latest season of The Apprentice, which aired on BBC One on February 1, 2024, Yorkshire businessman Oliver Medforth emerged as the first candidate to be fired from the highly competitive reality television show.
The Apprentice is a renowned British reality TV series that first aired in 2005. It pits aspiring businesspeople in a competition accompanied by a series of challenges with high stakes and demanding tasks.
Lord Alan Sugar dismissed Mr. Oliver from the reality show after failing to impress in the challenge—the corporate away day task. He made the mistake of not adding flour when asked to make a rich batch of brownies. As per The Sun, the businessman did not take it as a failure; instead, he created another business of selling flourless brownies.
Oliver Medforth is a sales executive and a co-founder at Yorkshire Tonics, a premium beverage company.
Yorkshire businessman Oliver Medforth: The first Apprentice exit
Oliver Medforth was born in Yorkshire, England. He graduated from Royal Agricultural University in 2018 with an International Food and Agribusiness degree.
He is a sales executive and co-founder of Yorkshire Tonics, a successful drinks range. He has a background in selling different products and services in markets. Medforth also works as an operations director at Raisthorpe Manor, another beverage line owned by parents David and Julia Medforth.
Raisthorpe Manor is famous for its Raisthorpe Raspberry Gin Liqueur, a recipe passed down through the generations. Once, Medforth told Living North,
"After friends tried our raspberry gin, they all said we should bottle and sell it. We realised how good it was, and because it's a family recipe, it's really unique."
The eighteen-part series of The Apprentice aired on BBC One and iPlayer on February 1, 2024. As per The Sun, Oliver Medforth hoped for the sales task, believing he best fit it. He said,
"I really hope there is a selling task because this is where I will dominate and prove to Lord Sugar, I am a selling machine. I work the markets selling gin and tonic, and there aren't many customers that leave without buying."
However, Medforth was the first to be "fired." He was tasked with making a rich brownie batch, and the Yorkshire businessman failed to add flour. He was sacked by Alan Michael Sugar, a British businessman and the owner of Amshold Group Ltd. He has been the host of the show since 2005.
As per The Sun, the failure has not stopped Oliver Medforth. He said,
"It was upsetting to go out first, but it's given me an opportunity to go on to do something else - and I've actually got an alternative flourless chocolate brownie business."
He further added,
"It came about off the back of what happened on the show where I was left on my own to do the dessert, and I wouldn't have been doing this if I hadn't been fired first. The brownies are already out now and available to buy."
Oliver Medforth's departure from The Apprentice marks the beginning of what promises to be a highly competitive and unpredictable season.
The Apprentice airs new episodes every Thursday at 9 pm BST on BBC One.