Saint Vitus bar, an iconic staple of Brooklyn's music scene, was shut down after building department inspectors accused it of violations during a live band show on February 16. Although the bar has chosen not to give out the names of its owners, a LinkedIn account of one Arthur Shepherd links the bar to his name.
An article by Invisible Oranges, dated 2012, names Arty Shepherd, Justin Scurti, and George Souleidis as the owners.
The bar took to Instagram to address the closing and said:
"We are saddened and deeply frustrated by the circumstances and are working to remedy the situation as fast as we can. The closure is temporary, but we want to address everything that directly affects our community of artists and fans alike."
A spokesperson for the NYC Buildings Department reportedly explained that the department had apparently received more than a dozen 311 complaints and found around 250 people present in the bar on the night of February 16.
Owner of Saint Vitus wanted to create the perfect ambiance for metal fans
As per an October 2012 interview by Invisible Oranges, Saint Vitus Bar is owned by "Arty Shepherds", Justin Scurti, and George Souleidis, alongside other silent owners. The bar has made its name in Brooklyn's music scene by hosting touring bands, local showcases, and a variety of non-concert parties and arts events.
Arty has reportedly known Justin since the latter was 14, when Justin used to come to see an old band, Mind Over Matter, which Arty was a part of. When Arty became part of the band, Instruction, Justin reportedly became his tour manager and guitar tech and took care of his activities.
In the interview, Arty also explained that he met George when the two worked at a Brooklyn Bar, Matchless.
While talking about his inspiration behind putting together Saint Vitus Bar, Arty explained that while touring as a band member across Europe for various bands, he came across bars where only metal fans would go. A trip down London's Crobar and Garlic and Shots made him realize that he liked the ambiance of these bars and would want to open something similar in New York.
Brooklyn metal venue temporarily closed following DOB investigations
As per a document obtained by Ghost Cult Mag, from, the complaint against the bar reportedly addresses a few issues such as potential overcapacity, absence of maximum occupancy signs, an outdated Certificate of Occupancy, and operating without a Place of Assembly Certificate of Operation (PACO).
Complaints against Saint Vitus Bar come months after Mayor Eric Adams, in December 2023, announced that the city would ditch the late-night raid strategy that earlier reportedly disproportionately targeted bars and clubs in neighborhoods dominated by people of color.
A new approach by the city gives bar owners a chance to resolve problems before the police show up. As per the NY Post, the bar had previously received complaints from DOB in July 2023, but the owners took no action to correct the issues mentioned by the department.
Saint Vitus Bar also took to Instagram recently to inform that it has moved shows to new venues for the time being until the bar reopens. As per John Scanlon, a booker with Miles to Go Presents,
"The people at Vitus have been very on top of the situation. They've been reaching out to the venues themselves."
However, it remains unclear when the bar will reopen.