The animated musical series Hazbin Hotel consists of eight episodes scheduled for release from January 19 to February 2, 2024, on Prime Video. Princess Charlotte, affectionately known as "Charlie" and voiced by Erika Henningsen, takes on the role of Hell's princess. She operates the Hazbin Hotel, a unique establishment aiming to rehabilitate souls in hell and guide them toward redemption for a shot at heaven.
Born to Lilith and Lucifer Morningstar, Charlie is romantically involved with Vaggie, a fallen angel.
Vivienne Medrano, while studying at the School of Visual Arts in New York City, crafted the character Charlie. Originally, Charlie emerged as an entirely separate creation, but Medrano took a liking to the name and decided to incorporate it into her new character designed for the webcomic series ZooPhobia.
In the initial concept, Charlie was envisioned as a mortal soul who passed away in the 1830s and later evolved into the "den mother" for the "Misfit Demon Gang" within the ZooPhobia storyline.
Critics have widely praised the character and the intriguing storyline she brings to the series.
Charlie's evolution: From steampunk den mother to aspirational Morningstar
In the early stages of ZooPhobia, Charlie's original design embraced the popular steampunk style, with plans for her to serve as a "den mother" to a demon gang—a group that eventually evolved into the main cast of Hazbin Hotel.
Transitioning into the Hazbin Hotel, the pilot featured Charlie under the name Charlotte Magne, showcasing a design closer to her current appearance but donning a red suitcoat, instead of a steampunk outfit. Vivienne Medrano confirmed Charlie's bisexuality in a tweet.
Before the first season, Charlie's last name changed to Morningstar. When questioned about the design changes, Medrano mentioned that the alterations were not intentional; instead, they were the result of an evolving artistic style. In a post-series interview, Medrano expressed her personal connection to Charlie, describing her as "plucky, determined, and energetic," portraying her as an aspirational character.
Charlie Magne: Hazbin Hotel's altruistic princess of redemption
Meet Crown Princess Charlotte, affectionately known as "Charlie" Magne, in the captivating narrative of Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light. As the princess of Hell and the offspring of Lucifer and Lilith, Charlie is not only destined to inherit Lucifer's throne but she also serves as the visionary founder and proprietor of the Hazbin Hotel, also known as the Happy Hotel.
Driven by an unwavering determination, the Princess of Hell aims to cease the annual carnage of exterminations by any means necessary. She was deeply impacted by their harsh reality in her early years. Despite her seemingly naive and theatrical demeanor, coupled with a black-and-white perspective on morality, Charlie exudes an immense passion.
Her altruistic nature leads her to firmly believe in the potential of redemption for all sinners, a sentiment not widely shared among the denizens of the Inferno.
With her fiancée, Vaggie, and the presence of her "guardian angel," Lux, Charlie embarks on a mission to provide sinners with the opportunity to learn, evolve, and ultimately change for the better. Her ultimate goal is to secure acceptance into heaven for these souls, thereby nullifying the dreaded extermination.
Despite facing skepticism, enduring failures, and confronting the challenges thrown her way by the universe, Charlie remains resolute in her pursuit of creating a harmonious and ideal version of Hell.
Charlie Morningstar's personality
Charlie, the compassionate Princess of Hell from the Hazbin Hotel, exudes kindness amid the harsh environment. Known for her unwavering optimism, she sees everyone in Hell as her children, despite facing mockery. Initially perceived as naive and theatrical, Charlie's determination reflects a hopeful spirit.
In her quest to improve Hell, Charlie encounters setbacks but maintains an optimistic belief in redemption for every sinner. Her empathy extends to animals, children, and adversaries, driving her to undertake endeavors for positive change.
Influenced by her privileged upbringing, Charlie grapples with a simplistic view of good and evil, despite her good intentions. As the series progresses, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery, bridging the gap between her world and the struggles of those she seeks to help.
Warmhearted yet formidable, Charlie reveals a powerful side when protecting loved ones. Navigating Hell's complexities, Charlie's character evolves, marked by bravery and occasional self-doubt, as she aims for a better world.
Who voices Charlie?
In the initial Hazbin Hotel pilot, Jill Harris provided Charlie's speaking voice, while Elsie Lovelock contributed her singing voice. Harris, recognized for her lead role in Orange, and Lovelock, known for her work in Wargroove, were the original voices.
However, when the series officially launched, Erika Henningsen, renowned for her role in Mean Girls, took over as the voice of Charlie, replacing Harris and Lovelock.
Charlie's journey from ZooPhobia to the Hazbin Hotel, reflects the evolution of both character design and narrative direction. Vivienne Medrano's connection to Charlie as an aspirational figure adds depth to the creative process.
With voice actor changes and a shift in artistic style, Charlie Morningstar's story stands as a testament to the dynamic nature of storytelling in animation.
Season 1 of Hazbin Hotel consists of eight episodes scheduled for release from January 19 to February 2, 2024. Although Prime Video is the primary platform for the series, the initial two episodes premiered on YouTube and the A24 app.
Furthermore, pre-orders of the show Hazbin Hotel allowed early access to the first two episodes. Prime Video uses a batch release strategy, unveiling the first four episodes during the premiere and subsequently releasing two episodes every week.