In the rich history of ABC's daytime soap operas, General Hospital stands out as a longstanding favorite, captivating audiences with its intriguing characters and gripping storylines. One such character who has left an indelible mark on General Hospital is Lucy Coe, portrayed by the talented Lynn Herring.
From her debut as a curious librarian entangled in a murder plot to her transformation into a villainous liar, schemer, and ultimately an unlikely heroine, Lucy Coe's character arc has been nothing short of a rollercoaster.
The casting of Lucy Coe
Lynn Herring, a former beauty queen known for her fourth-place finish in the 1977 Miss USA pageant, first graced the General Hospital screen in 1986. Initially introduced as a pivotal witness in the Brownstone Murder Mystery storyline arc, Lucy Coe was intended to have a brief stint.
However, due to popular demand, executive producer Gloria Monty decided to retain Herring, leading to a dramatic shift in the actress's career trajectory.
Lucy Coe’s journey encompasses romantic entanglements, scandalous affairs, and unexpected twists that have kept General Hospital viewers on the edge of their seats.
Lucy's evolving storylines on General Hospital
Lucy started as a reserved librarian with connections to Kevin O'Connor, acting as his alibi in a murder case. Her life took a dramatic turn when she had an affair with Bobbie Spencer's husband Jake, married Tony Jones, and later wed Alan Quartermaine in a scandalous red dress.
While married to Alan, Lucy had an affair with Scotty Baldwin, leading to a pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage. She later ended up with Scotty but left town when he fell in love with Dominique Stanton.
Upon her return, Lucy agreed to be a surrogate for Dominique and Scotty, giving birth to Serena.
She then got involved with Damian Smith, engaging in schemes until meeting Kevin Collins, who helped her rediscover her compassionate side. She even helped launch the General Hospital spin-off, Port Charles, where she stayed until its cancellation in October 2003.
After more than eight years off-screen, Lynn Herring made a triumphant return to General Hospital in November 2012.
Her comeback coincided with the revival of the Nurses' Ball, an iconic event founded by Lucy in the 1990s.
Lucy Coe's recent storylines showcase her involvement in various entrepreneurial ventures. From real estate to the relaunch of Deception Cosmetics, she remains an integral part of the soap opera's fabric.
Lucy's resilience and adaptability persisted, leading her to new collaborations with Sasha Gilmore and Brook Lynn Quartermaine. Her business acumen, coupled with a keen interest in cosmetics, guided her through challenges like Sasha's pregnancy.
Her role in ELQ, support for friends like Aiden Webber, and her connection to the Cassadine family showcased Lucy's diverse engagements.
Lucy also weathered personal challenges, such as her involvement in covering up Ava Jerome's role in Morgan Corinthos' death.
Her connections and interactions with figures like Scotty Baldwin, Tracy Quartermaine, Kevin Collins, Martin Grey, and the Cassadines have contributed to the intricate web of relationships and conflicts within the soap opera's universe.
Acclaim and accolades
Lynn Herring's portrayal of Lucy Coe has garnered critical acclaim over the years. With two Daytime Emmy Award nominations and multiple wins and nominations at the Soap Opera Digest Awards, Herring's performance has resonated with audiences, solidifying Lucy as a memorable character in the soap opera landscape.