NBC is back with its long-running home renovation show, George to the Rescue. After airing the first episode of Season 13 on March 26, the show is set to film its upcoming episode of Rebecca Koltun, a spinal cord injury survivor.
The 21-year-old experienced a life-threatening accident while skiing in Vermont in 2021. Episode 2 will feature George Oliphant making thoughtful changes while renovating her home in Plainview to ensure a safe living environment for her.
George to the Rescue is a home renovation show that features skilled contractor George Oliphant who collaborates with amazing home renovators to rebuild houses for families and communities.
More about Rebecca on George to the Rescue
Rebecca Aleck Koltun is a 21-year-old chemistry and Spanish student at Binghamton University. The Plainview native is a strong, smart, ambitious, funny, and determined young woman who's ultimate desire to get into a prestigious medical school. She loves to indulge in activities like skiing and soccer playing and is also a New York Times crossword puzzle whiz.
Her Instagram is filled with images of her having a great time near a pool or doing adventure sports with her friends.
In 2019, the medical aspirant spent six weeks in San Pedro, Costa Rica, where she volunteered, and travelled along with taking classes on children that led her to meet amazing people.
Koltun is very close to her friends and parents, Scott and Audrey Koltun.
Last year, when Rebecca went skiing with Erik, her 19-year-old brother in Stratton Mountain in Vermont, she experienced a gut-wrenching accident that paralyzed her neck. She was rushed immediately to Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center.
Her accident left many of her friends and the Plainview community shocked. This led people to form a campaign to support her treatment and medical bills.
Rebecca’s mother shared her feelings on the campaign's website:
“I was told that she was without oxygen for a period of time, and this could result in her being brain-damaged or brain dead. It was made clear to me that she may not survive the helicopter ride to [Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center] and that the team of no less than 20 doctors had done everything they could to save her.”
She underwent surgery but had developed major fractures and that would take time to recover completely. Rebecca is currently on medication and has consistent treatments.
George to the Rescue season 13, episode 2 will air on Saturday, April 2, 2022, on NBC.