Teen Mom, a favorite MTV show, is returning to television screens with a new spin-off titled Teen Mom: The Next Chapter. Releasing on Tuesday, September 6, the show is set to be combined with the previous cast of its spin-offs.
The star cast that is set to appear on the upcoming show have been living in different timelines with their babies. Apart from their duties as moms, these young women will also juggle their relationships and make significant decisions that will pave a new path in their lives.
Amber Portwood, Catelynn Baltierra, Maci McKinney, and Leah Messer are among the cast members from the previous seasons who will return for the spin-off. Additionally, Briana DeJesus, Jade Cline, Ashley Jones and Cheyenne Floyd will also be a part of the spin-off.
The official synopsis of the show reads:
"For the first time, the moms and all their stories will be brought together in one supersized series that focuses on the unique bond they share as they face the reality of parenthood and adulting while entering new phases of life together."
Who is starring in Teen Mom: The Next Chapter?
In the new spin-off of the popular reality show Teen Mom, viewers will mostly see teenage mothers from Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2.
Starting with the returning star cast of the upcoming show, viewers will see TMOG’s Amber, Catelynn, Maci, and TM 2’s Leah Messer. They will all be joined by their respective co-stars and Cheyenne, who was relatively new in TMOG in 2012. Meanwhile, Briana, Jade and Ashley were part of the cast of TM 2 in 2017, 2019 and 2021 respectively.
The upcoming show has kept a lot of interesting lines prepared for its viewers. Things will be on the right track for two couples - Lean and Jaylan as well as Jade and Sean.
However, Ashley will face a tough time managing the stability of her relationship with Bar Smith. Also, teen mom, Cheyenne will hit her breaking point in an outburst while on a getaway with the other girls.
Things will turn out pretty well for Amber and her son James and ex-Andrew Glennon. However, setbacks will be tougher than ever for Briana.
The Next Chapter’s biggest and most controversial aspect is the appearance of banned teenage mother Janelle Evans in one of the episodes. She was fired from the series in 2019 because her husband David Eason had shot down their dog.
What is Teen Mom : The Next Chapter all about?
The upcoming show will feature the life stories of women who became mothers as teens and will explore how they came to terms with motherhood.
Not all teen mothers are at the same stage of raising a newborn baby. While some are raising teenagers, others have only recently given birth. However, these differences are expected to make the series even more exciting.
The official announcement of the show took place in May 2022 and the official trailer dropped in August. The trailer begins with an enthralling introductory line:
You were there when they first became moms,”
It then continues:
“Now be there as they turn the next page — together.”
The trailer also gave a glimpse of what every teen mother is going to experience. From birthdays to graduations, these moms will deal with everything while planning to enjoy a girl’s getaway for relaxation.
The show is is executive produced by Morgan J. Freeman, Dia Sokol Savage, and Larry Musnik of 11th Street Productions. Benjamin Hurvitz and Melissa Tallerine are executive producers for MTV.
Viewers can watch the premiere of The Next Chapter on Tuesday, September 6 at 8 pm ET