As per an exclusive report from TMZ, Enter the Dragon actor Robert Wall has passed away at the age of 82. The news of his demise was shared to the publication by his family. However, the exact date of his passing and the cause of death is yet unknown.
Wall's family provided TMZ with a statement that read:
"Bob was the greatest husband and father. Family was Everything to him. He lived a remarkable life, and there is a hole in our hearts that will never be filled. His spirit and legacy will live on forever within us. He was our rock."
According to his IMDb profile, Wall is survived by his wife Lillian Prescott and their two daughters, Shana and Kara Desmond Wall. The martial artist was best known for his portrayal of O'harra alongside Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris in 1973's cult-classic martial arts film, Enter the Dragon.
Everything known about Robert Wall
Robert Wall was reportedly born in San Jose, California, on August 2, 1939. The late 82-year-old was a 9th-degree Black belt in American Tang Soo Do and trained extensively under action star and martial artist Chuck Norris. He reportedly holds nine black belts in multiple martial art styles.
Wall trained under Choi Hong-hi, who is regarded by many to have founded taekwondo. The late actor also trained under Gordon Doversola, who taught Okinawa-te martial arts. He forayed into acting and stunt performances with Bruce Lee's 1972 film, The Way of The Dragon, which starred Lee and Chuck Norris.
The California native appeared alongside Norris in his CBS show, Walker, Texas Ranger, where Wall portrayed Sheriff Rivers, Billy, and the announcer. As per his IMDb, he was credited in 14 episodes of the show spanning from 1994 to 2001. Wall's last appearance was reportedly in a 2020 film, Anatomy of an Antihero: Redemption, and then in 2021's The Emissaries Movie. Throughout his acting career spanning 49 years, Wall appeared in 18 projects.
According to his IMDb profile's biography, Robert Wall was also a realtor in the 1970s and founded a real estate business with his wife Lilian Wall in 1979. Lilian Wall serves as the president of their firm, Wall Street Properties, which is based out of Wall Street Plaza in Tarzana, California.
Around 1967, Robert Wall founded Sherman Oaks Karate Studio in LA with his partner, who later sold his share to Chuck Norris. Wall also authored and published a book titled Who's Who in the Martial Arts and Directory of Black Belts in 1975. He was associated with I Know What You Did Last Summer star Freddie Prinze Jr, for whom he was reportedly a "godfather."