New Zealand actor Sam Neill, who has previously shared that he had been diagnosed with a rare form of blood cancer, shared a heartbreaking update about his treatment. While speaking on media outlet ABC's Australian Story, the 76-year-old star revealed that his doctor put him on an anti-cancer drug after his chemotherapy failed to work in his treatment. The new drug has put him in remission for over 12 months.
However, the Peaky Blinders star said that the drug will eventually stop working.
“I’m prepared for that.”
He added that though dying would be "annoying," he isn't "remotely afraid" of the consequences. Sam Neill said that he discovered lumps in his neck in 2022 and soon got to know that he had cancer. Speaking about it, he stated:
“I started to look at my life and realise how immensely grateful I am for so much of it. I started to think I better write some of this down because I’m not sure how long I have to live. I was running against the clock."
Neill has been diagnosed with angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma, a rare form of blood cancer.
Sam Neill is single but was married once
As per the Sydney Morning Herald, Sam Neill has two biological and one adopted kid from his past marriage and relationship. While speaking with the publication in March 2023 about women who influenced his life, The Piano star revealed that he crossed paths with Kiwi actress Lisa Harrow while filming the 1981 movie Omen III. They were together for 11 years and share a son named Tim.
After Harrow, Neill crossed paths with Noriko Watanabe on the set of the 1987 movie Dead Calm. Noriko Watanabe worked as a makeup artist on the set of the film. Sam and Noriko married in 1989, and Sam later legally adopted Noriko's daughter, Maiko Spencer. Sam and Noriko have one child, a girl called Elena.
Not much is known about his personal life, wife and kids.
The New Zealand actor, best known for portraying paleontologist Dr. Alan Grant in the Jurassic Park film series, first revealed his cancer diagnosis in March 2023 and said that passing away would "annoy" him. He said:
"I’d really like another decade or two, you know? We’ve built all these lovely terraces, we’ve got these olive trees and cypresses, and I want to be around to see it all mature. And I’ve got my lovely little grandchildren. I want to see them get big. But as for the dying? I couldn’t care less.”
While speaking to ABC, Sam Neill said that his friend, actor Bryan Brown, has been supporting him throughout his cancer journey. He added that he has found time to reflect on his professional career while reaching new heights in the acting industry.
“I can‘t tell you how privileged I am to spend that amount of time with so many actors, so many of whom I’ve really enjoyed and so many of whom I’ve really admired.”
Currently, Sam Neill is filming on the Gold Coast for an adaption of Liana Moriarty’s Apples Never Fall and will also star in the mini-series, The Twelve.