Melissa & Joey actor Joey Lawrence announced to Us Weekly about his engagement to actress Samantha Cope. The 45-year-old actor who filed for divorce from long-time wife Chandie Yawn-Nelson, met Cope, 34, on the set of their upcoming movie A Deadly Deed, directed by Joey’s brother Andrew.
When asked about the nuptials, Joey Lawrence told the news outlet:
“There’s a lot of stuff going on, you know, there’s a lot of stuff going on, which we’ll talk about soon, but yeah, it’s a lot of great stuff. She’s the best person ever.”
The actor-musician opened up about the unexpected romance on set:
“We met there and out of nowhere, you know, it was a crazy year and a half for everybody, obviously the whole world. Then when you least expect, amazing things happen and meeting her has just been really the greatest thing ever.”
Who is Joey Lawrence engaged to?
Utah-native Samantha Cope first appeared on screen playing an underage girl on the Dateline NBC series, To Catch a Predator. The actress went on to appear in several other TV shows, including The Lake, NCIS, Insecure, Tease and Private, amongst others.
Samantha Cope is known to be an animal-lover and often spends time with horses and her pet dogs, Dakota and Jax. She is a member of the non-profit farm animal rescue BIG Heart Ranch. The actress is also certified in equine therapy. She helps animals rehabilitate and has actively worked to save dogs in shelters.
Joey Lawrence reportedly paid $1,000 to rescue a dog from a shelter in Australia to be pet parents with Cope.
Joey Lawrence and his ex-wife Chandie filed for divorce in July 2020. They share two children together. The duo stated “irreconcilable differences” in court documents, which caused the couple to break up after 15 years of marriage. According to Entertainment Tonight, the two are seeking joint legal and physical custody of both children.
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