ABC's American Idol aired its premiere episode that began with the first round of auditions. The theme for the twentieth anniversary of the show was "A Moment Like This," inspired by Kelly Clarkson's ballad of the same name. The season was worth the wait, with aspiring musicians showcasing their talents from different parts of the world.
The final fifteen minutes of the episode were the highlight of the premiere as New York-based songwriter Taylor Fagins stepped into the audition room. His entrance sparked a conversation about how the judges were hoping to find artists who expressed themselves through original songs.
The 26-year-old sat at the piano to perform a song he’d written and, with a deep breath, whispered:
“This is for you.”
Fagins proceeded to dedicate his song to Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and many other black people killed in America. The song captured the devastation of violence against African-American individuals in their home country.
Who is American Idol contestant Taylor Fagins?
Taylor Jalen Fagins is one of the newest contestants to audition and attain a golden ticket on American Idol. The 28-year-old crooner, who hails from California, began singing at the age of nine. His grandmother is reportedly a church choir singer.
Fagins graduated from the University of California in 2017. The singer-songwriter is currently enrolled in Berklee NYC where he is studying writing and design for musical theater.
According to the publication Mixed Article, Fagins started writing his own songs during his second year of college and dropped his debut single in March last year after three years of graduation. In college, the singer attained acting credits with titles like Little Women and Parade.
Fagins is also the winner of the 2020 American Songwriter Annual Song Contest. On Instagram, he has close to 3,000 followers and his social media bio reads:
“Creating stories for those unseen...Creating music for those unheard...Love is everything.”
He performed his single We Need More on American Idol, and left the judges speechless and fans teary-eyed.
The American Idol Season 20 premiere saw many talented singers win their golden ticket to Hollywood, and others impressed the judges with their talents even though they could not attain a ticket. Standouts on the show included Nicolina, an 18-year-old with a chill-inducing belt, HunterGirl with her soulful country music, and many more.
The next set of auditions will be held on the West Coast, which will air March 6, 2022 at 8.00 pm ET on ABC.