In Fighter, released on January 25, 2024, directed by Siddharth Anand, Rishabh Sawhney takes on the role of the antagonist, challenging Hrithik Roshan's lead character. The film, depicting elite members of the Indian Air Force combating terrorism from the skies, follows their missions to thwart threats. Sawhney portrays a villain orchestrating dangers emanating from Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, marking a significant transition in his career journey.
In high-budget productions like Fighter with great actors like Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone, Sawhney’s representation is central to the narrative. His portrayal of the antagonist adds a layer of complexity and intrigue to the film’s depiction of conflict. Sawhney’s involvement with the film is essential to its reception and impression on action cinema in India.
Rishabh Sawhney steps into his role as Azhar Akhtar in Fighter closely affiliated with the Pakistan army
Rishabh Sawhney, a newcomer in the Indian film industry, has won hearts by portraying an antagonist in the action-thriller Fighter set up at high altitudes. He started his academic voyage at Birla Vidya Niketan and proceeded to study civil engineering at the Vellore Institute of Technology in Tamil Nadu.
While in college, Sawhney underwent a major body change, lost approximately 60 kg, and entered the modeling world. Before landing his role in Siddharth Anand's new movie, Sawhney was already familiar with the entertainment industry. He demonstrated his acting abilities in the Disney+ Hotstar series The Empire, portraying the character of Mehmood, Babur's brother.
Moreover, he worked as a casting assistant during the production of The Empire. He remained actively involved in the industry by contributing as a crew member for OTT series, like Kaun Banegi Shikharwati and Bestseller.
Sawhney's journey toward the entertainment industry gained significant momentum when he participated in a men's physique competition, leading to several opportunities in runway modeling and print advertisements. He had the opportunity to walk the ramp for renowned designers like Shantanu and Nikhil, striding down the runway and featuring in advertisements for prominent brands such as the cell phone company VivoS1 Pro and SKINN by Titan.
This early exposure through competing and modeling started his career in the entertainment industry. In the movie, Rishabh Sawhney plays the role of Azhar Akhtar, an antagonist of great stature. Azhar Akhtar, a proxy of the Pakistan Army, is a major threat because he devises an attack on the Indian Army to intensify and expand the conflict in this story while simultaneously creating its plot.
Rishabh Sawhney’s play of Azhar Akhtar as a lead antagonist makes the character stand out from the rest in opposition to other protagonists. It becomes central to this dramatic action and storyline.
What is the action film Fighter all about?
Fighter is India’s first aerial action film, a high-octane thriller based on the theme of fighter jets. The movie tells a captivating story of bravery and love for the nation and centers majorly on some leading Indian Air Force (IAF) pilots. These aviators join hands to build a strong force that wades off any threats from the country and fights terrorism and terrorism-related activities.
The storyline of the film is based on some important real-life incidents, such as the 2019 Pulwama attack, the 2019 Balakot airstrike, and also the 2019 India–Pakistan border skirmishes. It brings out the brave attitudes of IAF pilots in such crucial situations and hence pays tribute to their invincible spirit and patriotism.
For the development of Fighter, director Siddharth Anand drew inspiration during the COVID-19 lockdown in India. He conceived the story's framework while filming the movie War (2019). Hrithik Roshan, playing a pivotal role in the film, immediately engaged with Anand's premise and collaborated closely to cultivate the narrative further.
The production features a renowned ensemble, including Hrithik Roshan as Squadron Leader Shamsher "Patty" Pathania, Deepika Padukone as Squadron Leader Minal "Minni" Rathore, and Anil Kapoor as Group Captain Rakesh "Rocky" Jai Singh among others.
Fighter offers an attractive cinematic environment featuring advanced technology, filming practices, and thrilling action scenes. The shooting required intensive training of the cast, which included real IAF pilots and cadets to provide accurate representation of the characters.
Siddharth Anand's Fighter is currently streaming in theatres.