A brand new episode of Jeopardy! aired on KABC-TV on Wednesday, April 19, 2023. The episode featured reigning one-day winner Deb Bilodeau competing for their title against two new competitors, Ben Spilsbury, and Devin Lohman. Deb is a winemaker from Oakland, California. Competitors had to play a knowledge-based trivia game where money was awarded for every correct answer.
As mentioned earlier, the two other players are Ben Spilsbury and Devin Lohman. While Splisbury is a sales engineer from Long Island City, New York, Lohman is an architectural designer & Masters student from Peachtree City, Georgia.
Today’s Jeopardy! winner is Devin Lohman
Deb failed to protect their title as the winner as Devin made a huge jump in his score in the second round. He was able to win the episode despite not knowing the answer to the final question.
The categories under the first round are People In Books, Where Is It Doc?, Olive You, TV, I’m So Proud and My Kid Got Into An Ivy League Museum.
Deb played well in the first round and even found the daily double very early on. Ben and Devin also tried their best to get the lead but were without daily doubles. In total, Deb gave 14 correct and 3 incorrect responses. Devin answered 3 questions correctly while Ben gave 8 correct answers, with 1 incorrect response each.
The final score after the round was Deb at $7600, Devin at $1800, and Ben at $1600.
The categories under Double Jeopardy! round were Justinian Time, A European Vacation, Music-“O”-Logy, A Box Of Matches, Movie Comedies and We Predict 5 Anagrams Of Nostradamus.
Within 3 clues, Devin found 2 daily doubles and he answered both of them correctly. Deb tried to take back the lead but lost by a very small margin. In total, Devin gave 12 correct answers and Ben gave 13 correct responses, with 2 incorrect answers each. Deb answered 24 questions correctly against 2 incorrect ones.
The final score after the round was Devin at $20,600, Deb at $18,800 and Ben at $4,400.
All the players failed to answer the final question and made huge bets on their responses. This led to a very intense ending with the winner having just $1,200 in his account.
Hence, Devin Lohman won Jeopardy! today.
Final Jeopardy! results today
The final question of Jeopardy! April 19 episode was under the category Lives of the Poets. The clue read,
"At a seminary that classified students’ degree of faith, Emily Dickinson was “without” this, which she compares to a bird in a poem."
The correct answer was "What is hope?" All three competitors could not answer the question correctly. Ben and Deb lost all of their money as they had wagered away almost all of their earnings. Devin also bet a lot of money from his scores and won the game with just $1200 in hand.
The final results of the April 19 episode were:
Devin $20,600 – $19,400 = $1,200 (What is God) (1-day total: $1,200)
Ben $4,400 – $4,399 = $1 (What is Faith)
Deb $18,800 – $18,800 = $0 (What is Doubt?)
As the new winner, Devin will have to save his titles from other competitors in the upcoming episodes. He can also join the Tournament of Champions if he wins 5 games in a row.
Devin will play against Sam Claussen and Emma Hill Kepron in the next episode of Jeopardy!, which airs on Thursday, April 20, 2023.