Jeopardy! season 39 returned on KABC-TV this Thursday, April 20, 2023, with 2 new players and one reigning winner. Devin Lohman, who is an architectural designer and Master's student from Peachtree City, Georgia, won $1200 in the last game and returned in the episode to defend his title. He competed with Sam Claussen and Emma Hill Kepron.
While Sam Claussen is a history professor from Santa Clarita, California, Emma Hill Kepron is a librarian from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The three players had to answer many tough knowledge-based questions to earn a score and money, which was rewarded with each correct response.
Today’s Jeopardy! winner is Emma Hill Kepron
Emma was in the lead at the start of the game but lost her position for some time. She eventually won the game by wagering away less money in the final round, where she had given the wrong response.
The categories under the first round were History, Literary Fruit Stand, Flying Colors, Missing U, ’80s & ’90s R&B Songs and My Prerogative.
All the players gave their best in the first round, answering many questions correctly. Sam got off to a great start while Devin got a daily double, which he failed to answer and went back to a $0 score.
Emma was able to sneak back into the game at the last moment and win the round. Emma gave 10 correct answers while Sam gave 11 correct responses, with no incorrect answers each. Devin gave 5 correct and 2 incorrect answers.
The final score after the round was Emma at $6600, Sam at $6400, and Devin at -$1000.
The categories under the Double Jeopardy! round were Face The Politician, Globetrotting, Reptiles, “P”otpourri, Triple Homophones and Remembering Barbara Walters.
Devin finally found another daily double, which got him out of the negative score. All the players tried their best to get the lead but Sam ultimately won with a slim margin of $3000. In total, Sam gave 23 correct answers, and Emma gave 17 correct responses, with no incorrect answers each. Devin answered 13 questions correctly and 3 incorrectly.
The score after Double Jeopardy! was Sam at $18,400, Emma at $15,400 and Devin at $10,200.
The final round of the game was a triple stumper and no one knew the correct answer. Emma played it safe and bet only $4000 on her answer, getting a total score of $11,400.
Hence, Emma Hill Kepron won Jeopardy! today.

Final Jeopardy! results today
The final question of the April 20 episode of Jeopardy! was under the category Modern Words. The clue read:
"Neal Stephenson coined this word in his 1992 novel “Snow Crash”; it was later shortened by a company to become its new name."
The correct answer was "What is metaverse?" The players failed to answer the question correctly. Devin bet $8,300 against powder while Sam wagered away $12,401, for the incorrect response of avalanche. Emma bet just $4000 against Uber.
The final results of the April 20 episode were:
Emma Hill Kepron: $15,400 – $4,000 = $11,400 (What is uber?) (1-day total: $11,400)
Sam Claussen: $18,400 – $12,401 = $5,999 (What is avalanche?)
Devin Lohman: $10,200 – $8,300 = $1,900 (What is powder?)
With this, Emma became the new one-day winner with a total score of $11,400. She will now have to defend her title against new players in the upcoming episodes until someone defeats her.
Emma will play against Anjali Salvador and Igor Petrovich in the next episode of Jeopardy!, which airs on Friday, April 21, 2023.