Jeopardy! returned on Thursday night with three players competing for the winner’s spot. Jesse Matheny, who won the last game, tried to defend his title against new contestants. He is a customer success implementation manager from Huntington, Indiana.
His competitors were Rebecca Bailey, a reference librarian from Reading, Massachusetts, and Eric Anderson, an operations director from Brooklyn, New York.
Three players had to answer the maximum number of questions possible in a given period of time to earn money. The one with the most amount of money at the end won the game.
Today’s Jeopardy! winner is Eric Anderson
Surprisingly enough, Eric did not make any money in the first round and was unable to lead the game in the second round as well. His performance in the final round made him the winner of the episode.
The categories under the first round were Spot The Mammal, Historic Wive, Tv Drama, Ready To Wear, Take A Tour, and “A_B_C_D”.
Jesse led the game initially and was able to score a daily double. This did not last long as Rebecca answered six questions correctly in a row. Eric lost all of his money due to some incorrect responses.
In total, Rebecca answered eight questions correctly with no incorrect answers. Jesse gave 12 correct answers and three wrong ones while Eric gave five correct responses against two incorrect ones.
The final score after the Jeopardy! round was Rebecca at $4600, Jesse at $4400, and Eric at $0.
The categories under the Double Jeopardy! round were Where The “H” Is That?, A Fine Wine Film, Tanks For The Memories, Produce, We Have Names, Recent Literary Biography, and 4-Letter Before & After.
Jesse gave many incorrect answers in the round and even missed two daily doubles. Rebecca played her game well and stayed calm throughout the question-answer round.
This helped her give a total of 13 correct answers with no incorrect responses. Eric, on the other hand, gave 11 correct three incorrect answers. Jesse answered 20 questions correctly and nine incorrectly.
The final score after the round was Rebecca at $9800, Eric at $6,800, and Jesse at $3,000.
Only Eric was able to give the correct response in the final round, earning $800 with the correct response and getting the lead in the game.
Hence, Eric Anderson won Jeopardy! today.

Final Jeopardy! results today
The final round of the episode was under the category Historic Figures and the clue read:
"Dante gives him, born to a Kurdish family in the 12th century, a place of honor in limbo along with the war heroes of Rome & Troy."
The correct response to the question was:
“Who is Saladin?”
Jesse lost all of his earnings with the incorrect response of 'Virgil' and Rebecca wagered away $3,801 against 'Genghis Khan'. Eric answered the question correctly and won $800 in the round.
The final results of the Jeopardy! April 27 episode were:
Jesse Matheny: $3,000 – $3,000 = $0 (Who is Virgil?)
Rebecca Bailey: $9,800 – $3,801 = $5,999 (Who is Genghis Khan?)
Eric Anderson: $6,800 + $800 = $7,600 (Who is Saladin?) (1-day total: $7,600)
Eric will now have to defend his title against new players in the upcoming episodes. He will also attempt to reach the Tournament of Champions with five consecutive wins.
Eric will play against Katherine Cohen and Kevin Belle in the next episode of Jeopardy!, which will air on Friday, April 28.