A brand new episode of Jeopardy! aired on KABC-TV on Monday, April 2, featuring the return of two-day winner Sharon Stone. Sharon, a manager from Round Rock, Texas, has won $33,600 in total so far and will compete against 2 new contestants to hold onto the title.
The three players will participate in a knowledge-based trivia quiz where they will be rewarded with money against each answer. The other two competitors are Dan Bayer, a college administrator from Strasburg, Ohio, and Crystal Zhao, a tech consultant from Bloomington, Minnesota.
Today’s Jeopardy! winner is Crystal Zhao
Sharon Stone lost her Jeopardy! winning streak of 2 days and could not lead in any round. Despite not knowing the answer to the final question, Crystal scored enough in the first two rounds to win the episode.
The categories under the first round were "President Grover Cleveland’s Non-Consecutive World, Horrors!, How Does It Fasten?, Rocks & Minerals, You’re Gonna Sing and Like A Bird."
Dan got the lead in the first round with 12 correct and 2 incorrect answers. Crystal played the daily double but gave the answer incorrectly, which put her in third place. In total, Crystal gave 9 correct and 1 incorrect response. Stone answered 6 questions correctly and 1 question incorrectly.
The final score at the end of the first round was Dan at $5,400, Sharon at $3,400 and Crystal at $2,600.
The categories for the Double Jeopardy! round were "The Superlative Earth, Their Lesser-Known Books, National Heroes, Common Bond Cuisine; Tv and Adjective Then Noun."
Sharon and Dan played the daily double round but failed to give the correct response. Crystal, on the other hand, gave 21 correct and 3 incorrect answers. Sharon answered 11 questions correctly and 2 incorrectly. Dan gave 18 correct answers and 5 incorrect answers.
The score at the end of Double Jeopardy! was Crystal at $11,000, Sharon at $8,900, and Dan at $7,200.
The final round was a triple stumper as no one gave the correct response. Crystal bet the most amount of money against her score, $6,801, but was still able to win the episode with a total earning of $4,199.
Hence, Crystal Zhao won Jeopardy! today.
Final Jeopardy! results today
The final question of the April 2 episode was under the category "20th Century Eponyms" and the question was:
"A 1940 headline about this included “failure”, “liability when it came to offense” & “stout hearts no match for tanks.”"
The correct response to the question was "What is the Maginot Line?"
Sharon lost $5,600 in the round as she was unable to give any answer. Dan bet $5,400 against World’s fair and Crystal’s answer was rifle. All three of them were wrong.
The final results of the April 2 episode were:
Crystal Zhao: $11,000 – $6,801 = $4,199 (What is a rifle?) (1-day total: $4,199)
Sharon Stone: $8,900 – $5,600 = $3,300 (What is ?)
Dan Bayer: $7,200 – $5,400 = $1,800 (What is the World’s Fair)
Crystal is the new one-day champion of Jeopardy! and will continue to play in the upcoming rounds until she is defeated by a new competitor. If Zhao continues with her winning streak, she might be able to join the tournament of champions post-season.
Crystal will play against Guest Services Agent Brian Henegar and social worker Amanda Brain Wysocki in the show’s next episode, which will air on Tuesday, April 4, 2023.