Season 39 of Jeopardy! aired a new episode on Monday, July 10, 2023, featuring three contestants. One of them was Alex Gordon, the returning champion from the previous episode, who won two matches and earned $41,500. In addition to him, the other new players were Dileri Johnston and James Tyler.
The official synopsis of the syndicated game show reads:
“A returning champion and two challengers test their buzzer skills and their knowledge in a wide range of academic and popular categories.”
In the latest episode, Alex Gordon, a medical student from Somers, New York, had to defend his winning title against James Tyler, a senior editor from Blandon, Pennsylvania, and Dileri Johnston, a pottery teacher from Maplewood, New Jersey.
Today’s Jeopardy! winner is James Tyler
Returning player Alex Gordon won two games last week but failed to maintain his winning streak in Monday's episode.
In the first round, the categories included Word Puzzles, Edible Etymology, The High “C”s, International Supermodels, Momentous Dates, and Kander & Ebb Musicals.
Alex had a good start as he gave the maximum number of correct answers in round 1. He delivered 16 correct responses, while James Tyler and Dileri Johnston gave six and four right answers, respectively. The first Daily Double went to James and that helped him bag the second position.
The scores of the players in the first round were Alex at $8,200, James at $3,200, and Dileri at $1,600.
In the second round of the Ken Jennings-hosted episode, the categories included Quotable Books, Lakes & Rivers, Stitch Incoming, Wallpaper, Pop Culture-Pourri, and Homophones.
Returning champion Alex could have won the Double jeopardy round as well. But he landed in third place after he wagered a big amount during his Daily Double segment. James and Dileri gained pace in round 2 and scored higher than $10,000. While Alex correctly answered nine questions, James gave seven and Dileri gave nine correct answers. The new players also incorrectly answered two questions each, and Alex gave zero wrong answers in this round.
The scores of the players in the second round were James at $14,200, Dileri at $10,400, and Alex at $3,000.
In the Final Jeopardy round, Alex was the only player who gave the correct answer to the final question. Unfortunately, his score was way lower than James’ final score, and therefore, Alex landed in second place. One Daily Double mistake in the second round cost him his winning title. Dileri, on the other hand, wagered a big amount in the final round and lost, which ranked her in third place.
Hence, James Tyler won Jeopardy! today.

Final Jeopardy! results today
In the July 10 episode, the category for the final round was “Art History” and the final question/clue read:
“At the 1865 Paris Art Salon, the elder of these 2 men said if the younger were successful, it would be ‘because his name sounds like mine.’”
The correct answer was “Manet and Monet.”
Only Alex gave the correct answer. Dileri and James gave half-correct responses but were not given any points.
Take a look at the final results of the July 10 episode:
James Tyler: $14,200 – $6,000 = $8,200 (Who is Monet?) (1-day total: $8,200)
Alex Gordon: $3,000 + $2,500 = $5,500 (Who are Manet and Monet?)
Dileri Johnston: $10,400 – $10,000 = $400 (Who is Manet?)
With today’s win, James became the one-day winner and defeated the two-day champion Alex. The winner will now return to play his second game in the next episode.
The game show’s upcoming episode will air on Tuesday, July 11, 2023.