Jeopardy! returned on KABC-TV this Wednesday, July 19, at 7 pm ET. One-day winner David Bederman tried to defeat two new competitors by answering some tough questions on various subjects like History and Literature. David is an attorney from Los Angeles, California, who won $28,401 in the previous game.
His challengers included Sean Weatherston, a physical therapist from Nampa, Idaho, and Liz Cotrufello, a 4th grade teacher from Broomall, Pennsylvania.
The three players were supposed to answer the maximum number of questions to earn money and score.
Today’s Jeopardy! winner is David Bederman
David once again had the lead in the game in all three rounds as the other two players struggled to keep up with him.
The categories under the first round read Painter Selfies, Same 2 Letters, Different Place, Fashion Old & New, Julie & Julia, 5 About 4, and Add An E At The End.
David had a lead in the round by a huge margin, despite the fact that he did not get the daily double. The others players could not even answer the most basic questions.
In total, David answered 12 questions correctly and 1 incorrectly. Sean and Liz gave gave 8 and 4 right answers respectively, along with 2 wrong answers each.
The score after the round was David at $6600, Sean at $2200, and Liz at $200.
The categories under the Double Jeopardy! round were Titles With Punctuation, Geology, Musical Menagerie, Get Your Kicks On Route 66, History, and The “Ll” You Say.
Liz scored an early daily double in the round and successfully managed to answer a lot of questions, 18 right and 3 wrong. Despite that, David got to the last daily double, which once again gave him the lead in the game with 17 correct and 2 incorrect answers. Sean gave 12 right and 2 wrong answers in total.
The score after the Double Jeopardy! round was David at $15,000, Liz at $12,200, and Sean at $7000.
Both David and Sean got the final question right and the former scored $9401 in the round, bringing the total score upto $24,401.
Hence, David Bederman won Jeopardy! today.

Final Jeopardy! results today
The final question for Jeopardy! game 223 was under the category Famous Paintings. The statement read:
"A German guidebook to a 1937 World’s Fair dismissed it as a “hodgepodge of body parts that any four-year-old could have painted."
The correct answer was “What is Guernica?” and only Liz failed to guess it. This made her lose $2801 from the earnings. Sean and David scored $10,000 and $9401 respectively.
The score of the game read:
David Bederman: $15,000 + $9,401 = $24,401 (What is Guernica?) (2-day total: $52,802)
Sean Weatherston: $7,000 + $3,000 = $10,000 (What is Guernica?)
Liz Cotrufello: $12,200 – $2,801 = $9,399 (What is Woman descending? )
David will now continue to play in the upcoming episodes to win more money, until someone defeats him. He can also reach the Tournament of Champions with just three more wins and can also compete for the Masters trophy.
David will play against Nik Berry and Toula Ballas in the next game of Jeopardy!, which airs on Thursday, July 20, at 7 pm ET.