The Jeopardy! Season 38 finale is just two episodes away. On Wednesday, July 27, 2022, the show welcomed two-day winner Ed Coulson, an economics & real estate professor from Dana Point, California.
The competition series is a quiz show where the answers are provided, and the contestants have to guess the question. The latest season has been mostly hosted by Mayim Bialik and Ken Jennings. According to a recent announcement on the show’s official social media handles, both of them have been declared the official hosts of Season 39.
Meanwhile, Jennings hosted the latest episode, where Ed defended his two-day streak ($40,200) against new contenders — Colleen Birney (a court monitor from Milford, Connecticut) and Brianne Barker (a biology professor from Madison, New Jersey).
Today’s Jeopardy! winner, Brianne Barker
Ed Coulson maintained his two-game winning streak, but things didn’t work out for him in his third episode. His bet in the final round turned out to be pretty unlucky.
In the July 27 episode, the categories for the first round included "The Southern U.S., Fiction, A Prisoner Of Your Own Device, Alliteration, Tennis Aces, Acceptable 2-Letter Scrabble Words.”
Brianne Barker led the round with seven correct responses before the break and 14 after. She had zero incorrect responses, but Ed struggled in the first round. He gave 15 correct answers in total but had three incorrect responses. Colleen Birney, on the other hand, answered five questions correctly and earned $2,000. Brianne’s earnings were $8,700, and Ed scored $3,600.
The second round looked better for the returning champion. The categories included “Notable Women, Oscar Winners’ TV Roles, The Animal Kingdom, Transportation, ‘B.C.,’ A.D.”
In the Double Jeopardy round, Ed had 17 correct answers and banked $17,600. Brianne landed in second place by giving 19 correct responses and maintaining her record of zero incorrect answers. She banked $14,700, and Colleen’s score was $8,200.
In the Final Jeopardy round, none of the players were able to provide the correct answer to the final question. However, Brianne made a smart move by putting up a small amount for the bet.
Ed, on the other hand, wagered $11,800 and lost the entire amount. Brianna only put up $3,000, and this made her total at the end of the round higher than that of Ed. The latter landed in third place as Colleen’s total score was $6,000, and his was $5,800.
Hence, Brianne Barker won Jeopardy! today.

Final Jeopardy! results today
The final question’s category for the July 27 episode was “Real people in Poetry,” and the clue read:
“Milton wrote of this contemporary: 'When by night the glass of" him "observes imagined lands and regions in the moon.’"
The correct response to the final clue was “Galileo.”
The clue here talks about the legendary literary figure John Milton, who mentioned his friend Galileo in his widely read poem Paradise Lost. The verse referred to Galileo’s telescope as it read:
“When by night, the glass of Galileo observes imagined lands and regions in the moon.”
All three players in the latest episode answered incorrectly. While Colleen didn’t write anything, Brianne guessed "John Donne" and Ed wrote "Spenser."
Take a look at the final results of the July 27 episode:
Brianne Barker: $14,700 – $3,000 = $11,700 (Who is John Donne?) (1-day total: $11,700)
Colleen Birney: $8,200 – $2,200 = $6,000 (Who is ?)
Ed Coulson: $17,600 – $11,800 = $5,800 (Who is Spenser?)
Today’s winner Brianne will now appear in the next episode to defend her win. It will air on Thursday, July 28, 2022.