The latest episode of Jeopardy! Season 38 aired on Friday, June 17, 2022, featuring host Mayim Bialik. She welcomed 3-day champion Megan Wachspress and two new participants on today’s show.
Megan’s streak started on Tuesday, June 14, 2022, by defeating 6-day champion Eric Ahasic. He lost the game with a difference of just $2, and since then, Megan has kept ahold of the winner’s throne. Her three-day total was $34,402.
The game show is one of the longest-running and critically acclaimed competitions that has been prevalent on television for decades. The original edition, created by Merv and Julann Griffin, was launched in 1964 and aired until 1975. The show returned in 1984 and is still running successfully.
In the June 17 episode, Megan, an attorney from Berkeley, California, was up against Molly Fleming, a community organizer from Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Sadie Goldberger, an interpreter from Columbia, Maryland.
Today's Jeopardy! winner, Megan Wachspress
Megan Wachspress’ intelligence and luck worked once again as the 3-day winner emerged as champion in the latest episode as well.
The first round’s categories of the June 17 episode were Historic Alliances, Wordplay-Pourri, Home Sweet Home Renovation, Think Pink, Stately Rivers, Pop Rocks. The game had a slow start today with Sadie in the lead with $4,600 in her pocket. Megan came in second place earning $2,000, while Molly’s score went in negative (-$400).
The categories of The Double Jeopardy round included Sci-Fi Characters, His Widow Lived On, Marine Biology, The “IT” Department, The Quotable Movie, Such a Peasant Life. Sadie was leading again as her total score by the second round was $9,800, while Megan banked $9,200. Molly couldn’t match up to her fellow competitors as her total earnings was $3,300.
Since the beginning of Megan’s winning streak, her fate has changed in the Final Jeopardy round. In today’s episode, Sadie answered incorrectly in the final round, thus, lost $7,500 in bet. Subsequently, her total came down to $2,300. Megan and Molly, on the other hand, answered correctly, however, the latter’s total amount was quite low. Thus, Megan Wachspress won Jeopardy! today.

Final Jeopardy! results today
The category for the latest episode’s final round was “19th Century Contemporaries,” and the clue was:
“Congratulating her on the 1869 release of her biography, Frederick Douglass wrote, ‘I have wrought in the day –you in the night.’”
The correct answer was Harriet Tubman.
While Megan Wachspress and Molly Fleming answered correctly, Sadie Goldberger lost only because of the wrong spelling. The latter wrote Harriett Tubma.
The final results of the June 17 episode are as follows:
- Megan Wachspress: $9,200 + $7,999 = $17,199 (Who is Harriet Tubman) (4-day total: $51,601)
- Molly Fleming: $3,300 + $3,200 = $6,500 (Who is Harriet Tubman)
- Sadie Goldberger: $9,800 – $7,500 = $2,300 (Who is Harriett Tubma)
With four wins, Megan emerged as the winner of today’s episode with a total amount of $51,601 to her credit.
The attorney, who works at the Sierra Club in Berkeley, was a Yale Law student. The Ivy League graduate completed her M.Phil from the University of Cambridge and then pursued a Ph.D. from the University of California.
In one of her interviews on the show, she revealed that her now-husband Nathan didn’t give her an engagement ring, but an engagement bench. Furthermore, it was stated that Nathan pushed her to participate in the competition.
She revealed:
“He’s the reason I’m on Jeopardy! in the first place. During the pandemic, he was taking the Anytime Test and he said, ‘Megan you’ve got to do it.’”
Meanwhile, Megan will appear to play the game in the next episode airing on Monday, June 20, 2022.