Jeopardy! returned on KABC-TV on Monday with two new challengers and many brand new questions. Ben Goldstein, a content marketing specialist from Dexter, Michigan, played the game as the reigning one-day winner. He has previously defeated two players, earning $6198 in total.
In the new episode, Ben had to defeat two new challengers - Mary Kate Gleidt, a nonprofit director from Kansas City, Missouri, and Jonathan Belford, a television researcher originally from Garland, Texas. The players were asked to answer many tough knowledge-based questions to earn money and score.
Today’s Jeopardy! winner is Ben Goldstein
Ben easily led the game through all three rounds and answered the maximum number of questions. His challengers could not even get the basic questions right and lost all of their earnings by the end.
The categories under the first round were It’s A Special Day, TV; “F”ive Letter Words, The Animal Kingdom, On The State’s Longest Western Border, and Getting An Eyeful.
Ben failed to answer the daily double but was still able to get a good enough score to lead the round. Mary Kate struggled to get even a few questions right and refused to answer many of them. In total, Ben gave 11 correct answers while Mary Kate gave 3 correct answers, against 1 incorrect response(s). Jonathan answered 8 questions correctly and 4 incorrectly.
The score after the round was Ben at $4000, Jonathan at $2200, and Mary Kate at $400.
The categories under the Double Jeopardy! were First Speeches In Shakespeare, Random Facts, What An Idiom!, General Assembly, Weights & Measure,s and Let’s Make A Movie Crossover!
Mary Kate got both the daily doubles but failed to answer even one of them. She was able to get in some answers and qualify for the final round, unlike Jonathan. In total, Ben gave 18 correct and 3 incorrect responses. Mary Kate answered 9 questions correctly against 6 incorrect ones, while Jonathan got 11 questions right, along with 8 wrong responses.
The score after the Double Jeopardy! was Ben at $10,000 , Mary Kate at $100 and Jonathan at -$600.
No one gave the right answer to the final question and Ben lost just $1000 in the round, scoring a total of $9000.
Hence, Ben Goldstein won Jeopardy! today.

Final Jeopardy! results today
The final question of Jeopardy! game 201 was under the category Entertainers. The clue read:
"In 2022, Jeff Bezos awarded her $100 million to give to charitable causes because “she gives with her heart”"
The correct response was “Who is Dolly Parton?” but sadly no player knew the answer. Jonathan could not participate in the round since his score was in the negatives. Mary Kate lost all of her winnings, while Ben smartly wagered away only a little bit of his winnings, which helped him win the game.
The total score of the game was:
Ben Goldstein: $10,000 – $1,000 = $9,000 (Who is Lady Gaga?) (2-day total: $15,198)
Mary Kate Gleidt: $100 – $100 = $0 (Who is Oprah?)
Jonathan Belford: -$600 (Was not allowed to participate in Final Jeopardy)
As the new two-day winner, Ben will have to defend his title against new players in the upcoming episodes. If he wins three more games, he can join the Tournament of Champions.
Ben will play against Tym Blanchard and Janie Sullivan in the next game of Jeopardy!, which will be aired on KABC-TV on Tuesday, June 20.