Game 194 of Jeopardy! aired on KABC-TV on Thursday, June 8. The episode featured two-day winner Suresh Krishnan competing against new players to defend his title. Suresh, who is a networking engineer from Suwanee, Georgia, had won $21,099 in his previous games.
His competitors were David Ford, a sales manager from Pasadena, Maryland, and Allison Strekal, a nonprofit development director from Missoula, Montana. The three players had to answer many tough knowledge-based questions on various subjects like literature and history to earn money.
Today’s Jeopardy! winner is Suresh Krishnan
Despite not leading the game in the initial rounds, Krishnan was still able to catch up to his opponents at the end. He used a daily double to increase his score.
The categories under the first round were History Hysteria, 2 Parts Make A Whole, Catch Of The Day, Silent Letter Words, Late Night Talking, and Hairy Styles.
Suresh picked up the first daily double but Alison led the rounds, thanks to her quick thinking. In total, Alison and Suresh gave 13 and four correct answers respectively, with one incorrect response each. David answered four questions correctly and two incorrectly.
The score after the round was Allison at $7000, Suresh at $2400, and David at $1200.
The categories under the Double Jeopardy! round were Yes, You Canal, Literature, A “Mid” Category, Romancing The Stones, Impostors, and Big & Lil Pop Culture.
David lost all of his score after the first Daily Double and Allison chose two clues in succession, which had the least probability of containing the daily double question. Suresh used to it to gain a lot of score in the end.
Allison, Suresh, and David gave 22, 13, and 10 right answers respectively, with three incorrect responses each.
The score after the round was Allison at $17,000, Suresh at $12,800, and David at $4400.
Suresh was the only player who knew the final answer, earning $4300 in the round and $17,100 in total. Allison lost her lead in the game after losing more than half of her winnings against an incorrect response.
Hence, Suresh Krishnan won Jeopardy! today.
Final Jeopardy! results today
The final question under Jeopardy! game 194 was under the category Business History. The clue read:
“What is dubbed “the world’s first initial public offering” took place in 1602 in this current European capital.”
The correct answer was “What is Amsterdam?” Suresh scored $4300 in the round by giving the correct answer. David and Allison, however, lost $4200 and $8601 respectively after writing down their answers as “London” and “Berlin.”
The final score of the game was:
Suresh Krishnan: $12,800 + $4,300 = $17,100 (What is Amsterdam?) (3-day total: $38,199)
Allison Strekal: $17,000 – $8,601 = $8,399 (What Berlin?)
David Ford: $4,400 – $4,200 = $200 (What is London? (Hi Charlotte & Declan))
After this victory, Suresh is just two more wins shy of reaching the Tournament of Champions. He might also join other shows of the franchise later on based on his performance. Krishnan will now have to defend his title against new players, until someone defeats him.
Suresh will play against Vickie Cyr and Tim Hagood in the next game of Jeopardy!, which airs on Friday, June 9, at 7 pm ET.