A brand new episode of Jeopardy! aired on KABC-TV on Thursday, March 30. The episode showcased two-day winner Lisa Sriken competing against two new competitors while attempting to keep up with her winning streak and reach for the Tournament of Champions competition.
As usual, the competitors had to answer some knowledge-based questions correctly by wagering a bet against them.
Her new competitors were e-commerce specialist Jacob Lang, and Sharon Stone, a manager from Texas. Lisa herself is a lawyer from New York and she won $26,800 in her first two appearances on the show.
Today’s Jeopardy! winner is Sharon Stone
Lisa failed to defend her title and came last in all three rounds as Sharon led the game throughout.
In the first round, the categories were Spousal Support, 5 Consonants In A Row, State Motto Translations, Celebrity Memoirs and A Salt, and A Deadly Weapon.
While Lisa was leading initially, she failed to answer a daily double question which brought her back to $0. Sharon found three rebounds in the opening round, answering eight correct and 0 incorrect responses. Jacob gave nine correct and one incorrect answer, while Lisa gave 11 correct and 4 incorrect responses.
The scores after the first Jeopardy! round were Sharon at $4,800, Jacob at $4,000, and Lisa at $200.
The categories for the Double Jeopardy! round were The Historic 1950s; World Place Names; The Greatest Snowman; A Religious Service; “Ei”, Oh!; Quoth The Title.
Lisa struggled to provide answers in the round and stayed in the red, while Sharon picked up both daily doubles and picked up three more rebounds. At the end of the round, Sharon gave 20 correct and two incorrect answers.
Jacob gave 13 correct and two incorrect responses while Lisa was able to answer 16 questions correctly and 10 incorrectly. The scores after the round were Sharon at $18,000, Jacob at $7,600, and Lisa at -$1,000.
According to the rules, Lisa was not allowed to participate in the final round. Both Sharon and Jacob failed to answer the final question but because Sharon had bet just $1,000 against Jacob’s 7,000, she got the lead with a $17,000 cash prize.
Hence, Sharon Stone won Jeopardy! today.
Final Jeopardy! results today
The final question for Jeopardy! was under the category Brand Names, and the clue was:
"The success of this brand has its roots with a hydrotherapy pump its cofounder created for his son, who had arthritis."
The correct response to the question was:
"What is Jacuzzi?"
Lisa, whose score was -$1000 could not answer the question. Jacob bet $7,000 against WaterPik while Sharon bet $1,000 over Aleve. However, both responses were wrong.
The final results of Jeopardy!'s March 30 episode were:
Sharon Stone: $18,000 – $1,000 = $17,000 (What is Aleve?) (1-day total: $17,000)
Jacob Lang: $7,600 – $7,000 = $600 (What is WaterPik)
Lisa Sriken: -$1,000 (By rule, did not participate in Final Jeopardy)
With this win, Sharon became the new one-day winner with a $17,000 prize. She will return to defend her title in the upcoming episodes, until a new player defeats her. Meanwhile, Lisa will not join the Tournament of Champions after scoring in the negative.
Sharon will compete against senior insurance rater Brittany Shaw and writer Jen Petro-Roy on Friday, March 31.