Diandra D’Alessio, two-day reigning champion, returned on Jeopardy! on Tuesday, May 30 to defend her title. She is a technical writer from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, with $15,700 in winnings. Her challengers were Ilhana Redzovic, an investment associate from Chicago, Illinois, and Nathan Dennis, a C-17 loadmaster from Charlotte, North Carolina.
The three contestants were supposed to answer some tough knowledge-based questions to earn money and score. The player with the maximum earnings by the end of the episode won the game and the victory title.
The synopsis of the game reads:
“A returning champion and two challengers test their buzzer skills and their knowledge in a wide range of academic and popular categories.”
Today’s Jeopardy! winner is Ilhana Redzovic
Ilhana Redzovic defeated Diandra in a very brutal manner. She was in the lead for every round and was able to win the game despite not knowing the final answer by playing it safe.
The categories under the first round were Authors’ First Novels, The Year That Was, The Band’S Songs Tell A Story, Fruity Rhyme Time, “M.C.” and Hammer.
Ilhana picked up her pace in the second half of the round and quickly turned around the game after just 30 clues. In total, she gave 13 correct answers, with one incorrect response. Nathan gave 9 right answers, with 2 wrong ones, and Diandra answered 5 questions correctly and 1 incorrectly.
The score after the round was Ilhana at $6800, Nathan at $2600 and Diandra at $2000.
The categories under the Double Jeopardy! round were Mountains, Czech It Out!, Scientists, Cat Breeds, Disney Endings and Middle “G.”
Both the challengers picked up on the daily doubles. Nathan bet $1356 on his response while Ilhana wagered away $5000 of her winnings. She was just $1000 short of getting a runaway into the final round. In total, Ilhana gave 23 correct answers and 2 incorrect ones. Nathan answered 19 questions correctly, with 4 incorrect ones, and Diandra gave 11 correct responses, against 2 incorrect responses.
The score after the Double Jeopardy! round was Ilhana at $21,000, Nathan at $10,756, and Diandra at $7200.
The final round was a triple stumper but with such a huge lead, Ilhana easily defended her score, despite losing $600.
Hence, Ilhana Redzovic won Jeopardy! today.

Final Jeopardy! results today
The final round of Jeopardy! game 187 was under the category Literary Groups. The final question read:
"Windermere, Thirlmere & Grasmere are 3 of the sites that helped give a 19th century literary group this name."
The correct response was “Who are the Lake Poets?” None of the players were able to earn any score in the round. After betting, Diandra, Nathan, and Ilhana lost $7199, $3745, and $600 respectively.
The final score of the game was:
Ilhana Redzovic: $21,000 – $600 = $20,400 (What is Algonquin Round Table?) (1-day total: $20,400)
Nathan Dennis: $10,756 – $3,745 = $7,011 (Who are the Meadowmen?)
Diandra D’Alessio: $7,200 – $7,199 = $1 (Who are the Algonquin Round Table?)
As the new one-day winner, Ilhana will have to defend her title against new challengers to stay in the game and reach the Tournament of Champions.
Ilhana will play against Lisa Gargiulo and Kyle Marshall in the next episode of Jeopardy!, which airs on Wednesday, May 31.