Jeopardy! aired Game 5 of the Tournament of Champions (ToC) 2022 finals on Friday, November 18, 2022, featuring Amy Schneider, Sam Buttrey, and Andrew He.
Amy is the highest scorer of season 38, with 40 wins to her credit. Her victory allowed her to earn a spot in the ToC semifinals. Hailing from Oakland, California, she is a writer by profession. So far, she has won two games in the finals.
Sam participated in the franchise's Professors Tournament. After winning, he advanced to the quarterfinals of ToC 2022, where he defeated 38-day winner Matt Amodio and earned a spot in the finals. By profession, the Pacific Grover native is an associate professor of operations research at the Naval Postgraduate School.
Andrew was a five-day winner in season 38 and, thus, got the chance to play in the ToC semifinals. He defeated 23-day winner Mattea Roach and advanced to the finals, winning two games.
Today's Jeopardy! winner is Sam Buttrey
While Amy Schneider and Andrew He had two wins to their credit in the Tournament of Champions 2022 finals, Sam had zero. In the November 18 episode, the professor's fate changed for good.
The categories for the first round included "U.S. Cities, Furniture, 5-Syllable Words, Tv Dramas By Episode Titles, The "Anti" Category, The Neanderthals."
Amy delivered the maximum number of correct responses and earned $6,600. She, however, lost a Daily Double. Andrew didn't seem as competitive as he appeared in previous episodes. He gave seven correct responses and banked $2,200. On the other hand, Sam also gave seven correct answers and delivered three incorrect responses. His round 1 total was $1,600.
In the second round, the categories were "Historic Castles, Band Ad, Paint Samples, American Women, 20Th Century Fiction, Before During & After."
Andrew struggled to top the scoreboard in the Double Jeopardy round. He picked both Daily Doubles but could only answer one of them correctly. As he went all in for the second time, his incorrect answer led him to end at $0. However, he tried to recover his scores as much as possible and banked $6,800. Amy took the lead again and scored $15,800, while Sam was in second place with a total score of $11,200.
In the Final Jeopardy round, Amy didn't risk a higher amount, which resulted in a different result. Despite being correct in the final round, she failed to win Game 5. This time, Sam went all in, and fortunately, his answer to the final question turned out to be correct. His total doubled up, surpassing Amy's score. On the other hand, Andrew gave an incorrect answer, and his score went down to three digits.
Hence, Sam Buttrey won Jeopardy! today.
Final Jeopardy! results today
In the final round of the November 18 episode, the category was "English Cities," and the final clue read:
“William the Conqueror’s son built a fortress on a key Northern river in 1080, giving this city its name.”
The correct answer to the final question was "Newcastle."
Only Amy and Sam gave the correct answer, while Andrew wrote "Avon." Take a look at the final results of the November 18 episode:
Sam Buttrey: $11,200 + $11,200 = $22,400 (What is Newcastle Upon Tyne?) (1 win)
Amy Schneider: $15,800 + $1,800 = $17,600 (What is Newcastle?) (2 wins)
Andrew He: $6,800 – $6,700 = $100 (What is Avon?) (2 wins)
Today's game changed Sam's fate as he got his first win in the finals of Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions 2022. In the next episode, the tournament will end if Amy or Andrew wins one game. As per the rules, a player has to win three games to bag the title of ToC.
Game 6 will air on Monday, November 21, 2022.