Netflix recently released its first-ever Italian reality TV series titled Summer Job. The show revolved around ten lazy Gen Z contestants who had no idea what was in store for them. While they entered a beautiful villa in Mexico thinking they were embarking on a vacation of a lifetime, the contestants were in for a surprise.
Hosted by Italian TV and film actress Matilde Gioli, Netflix's Summer Job promises the contestants a lavish vacation, in exchange for activities they have never done. They had to work summer jobs to continue their vacation and stay in the extravagant beachside villa.
Released on December 16, 2022, Summer Job includes eight episodes that span 40-47 minutes each. The official synopsis for the Netflix show reads,
"Ten Gen Z contestants go on their dream vacation. But for a shot at staying in a luxury villa - and to win €100,000- they have to work real jobs."
If you thought the Gen Z contestants having to work was a twist in the show, there was much more to it. At the end of each work week, the contestants with an empty pay check faced elimination. The remaining contestants had the right to vote one of them off.
Ultimately out of the ten that arrived in the villa, only four made it to the grand finale, where they were given a whole new task for three days. At the end of day three, only two remained, and one among them was crowned the winner after impressing all their bosses throughout their stay and summer jobs.
In the end, Sofia, who was once an avid partygoer, walked away as the winner of Summer Job and bagged the prize money too.
Sofia worked the hardest and walked away as the winner of Summer Job with a €36,000 cash prize
The ten lazy Gen Z contestants who arrived in the villa were Angelica, Gian Marco, Lavinia, Marina, Matthias, Melina, Pietro, Più, Samuele, and Sofia.
According to them, the series was called Summer Fever, and it revolved around them enjoying a luxurious vacation. Barely a day into their "vacation," there was already romance blooming between Samuele and Lavinia.
Merely 24 hours into their so-called "vacation," they were hit with the reality of working different summer jobs to continue their stay in the grand villa.
The contestants had to do various jobs, including working at a restaurant, salon, animal rescue center, diving shack, and hotel. At the end of each work week, they were given a paycheque. The contestants with an empty paycheques faced elimination. Every week one contestant was eliminated after a vote.
Another catch that the contestants didn't expect was that each time a contestant got an empty paycheque, €2000 was deducted from their grand prize of €100,000. Ultimately, the prize amount left in the finale was €36,000.
The four who made it to the grand finale were Samuele, Sofia, Marina, and Matthias. For their final task, the contestants had to help an event planner prepare for a friendship festival. For three days, they had to help her by preparing the set, grocery shopping, helping in the kitchen, serving the food, and much more.
At the end of each day, the contestants were given a paycheque, but there was a twist this time. The contestant who received the gold cheque had the chance to eliminate one of their competitors from the finale.
At the end of day one, Samuele received the golden cheque and eliminated Matthias as revenge for voting off Lavinia in the previous episode. The next day, Sofia won the golden cheque and eliminated Marina. In the end, Sofia and Samuele made it to the finale. This time, the decision was left up to the bosses of their summer job.
After much deliberation, the host revealed that Sofia impressed them the most by improving herself. She won the title and walked away with the €36,000 cash prize.
Summer Job is now available to stream on Netflix. All eight episodes have been released on the streaming giant.