Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve wrote Beauty and the Beast.
The fantasy romantic story Beauty and the Beast was published in 1740. It was published as part of the anthology La Jeune Américaine et les contes marins (The Young American and Marine Tales). The book’s name in French is La Belle et la Bête.
Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve wrote the first original, Beauty and the Beast book. Over the years, the tale of Beauty and the Beast has been adopted in several TV shows, movies, stage productions, and other works of art.
Beauty and the Beast Characters
Here is the list of Beauty and the Best characters:
Mrs. Potts
Mme de la Grande Bouche
Who is the writer of Beauty and the Beast?
The book Beauty and the Beast was written by French writer Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve. The book is inspired by mythology and folklore. Villeneuve wrote the story focusing mainly on an adult audience. The story’s length is like a novel, including fifteen chapters.
The French writer Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont rewrote Beauty and the Beast. Beaumont rewrote the tale in a short story form for kids. It was published in the 1756 anthology Magasin des enfants (Children's Collection). Now, Beaumont’s version of the tale is more famous than Villeneuve’s version. Beaumont’s version of Beauty and Beast is also translated into other languages.
What is the plot of Beauty and the Beast?

A merchant lives with his twelve kids, including six daughters and six sons, in a mansion. All of the merchant’s daughter is very beautiful. The youngest daughter, “little beauty,” is the most beautiful in all of them. She is very kind, generous, well-read, and has a pure heart, while her other sisters are selfish, cruel, spoiled, and vain. They are all jealous of their youngest sister, little beauty.
The merchant loses all his wealth in a storm at sea. The family became very poor and forced to live in a small cottage. A few years later, the merchant learns that one of the ships he sent on a trading voyage has safely returned to the port, while the others were destroyed. Before leaving, he asked his children if they wanted him to bring any gifts. His youngest daughter asked him to bring a rose.
When the merchant returns from his trip, he gets caught in a storm. He takes shelter in a castle. The castle is full of magic. The merchant sees a tree of roses in the castle. He plucks a rose from the tree for her youngest daughter, little beauty. Then, the owner of the castle, an ugly monster named “Beast,” appears. The beast gets angry at the merchant for taking his roses.
The beast said that the merchant would be killed unless one of his daughters agreed to die in his place. The merchant's youngest daughter, Beauty, agreed to take her father's place. When Beauty arrived at the castle, the beast was kind to her and tried to make her happy. He asked her to marry him many times, but she kept refusing because he was ugly and not very smart. However, Beauty eventually realized that the beast was good at heart and fell in love with him.
Who is Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve?
Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve was a famous French novelist. She was born on November 28, 1685 in Paris. She is best known for writing the tale Beauty and the Beast. Villeneuve also written Le Beau-frère supposé (1752), Le juge prévenu (The Biased Judge, 1754), La Jardinière de Vincennes (The Gardener of Vincennes, 1753), and Mémoires de Mesdemoiselles de Marsange (Memoirs of Mlles de Marsange, 1757). Sadly, she died on December 29, 1755 in Paris.
A. Yes, Beauty and the Beast is originally a book. Its original version was written by Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve.
A. Beauty and the Beast was first published by Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve in 1740.
A. The Brothers Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, wrote Rapunzel.