The birthplace of viral content TikTok now has the “Material Girl” trend taking over all of social media. The trend, which in name resembles iconic pop artist Madonna’s 80s hit “Material Girl,” is the creation of a Florida-based rapper and reality TV star Saucy Santana. Their 2020 album “Imma Celebrity” featured the bass boosted version of the song which has been doing the rounds since late 2021.
True to its name, the song is a nod to the side in all of us which has a fondness for all things fine. TikTokers, noticing these interesting details, used the song in videos flaunting their materialistic side. And before they knew it, it had turned into a viral trend.
What is the ‘Material Girl’ trend?
Amid trends like 'gorgeous, gorgeous girls', the 'too loud' challenge, and many more dances, recipes and even comment section trends, the “Material Girl” trend has been around for quite some time. While the initial videos with the song came out in late 2021, the trend has since been picked up again, with videos with #materialgirl receiving over 1.3 billion views.
Accompanied by the bass-boosted remixed version of Santana’s original song, the trend involves accepting and embracing the materialistic side in an individual. TikTokers have been using the song to show off their beloved and expensive purchases, along with habits that depict their love for fancy things.
TikTokers used the trend to bring out their most pricey side. Some showed that they went to McDonalds to get water, others shared that they carried their own equipment attachments and even customized accessories to the gym. The trend took off as a means to celebrate anything that otherwise seems unnecessary.
Saucy Santana also acknowledged the popular trend by making a TikTok video of their own. The video features Santana carrying a handbag and waving goodbye. The caption on the video reads, “When he Ubers you a Toyota Camry instead of a Luxury Black Truck.”
Like many trends with a purpose, this trend also focuses on a gender inclusive approach to being true to oneself.
Talking about the song to Billboard back in 2020, Santana, who’s a makeup artist as well, said, “I want to show everybody that they can be how they want to be. People respect you more.”
Santana created the original version of the song that has now been remixed into several versions, from the bass-boosted one to a more speedy version of the chorus as well. With more and more TikTokers hopping on the "Material Girl” wagon, the trend has become one of the long-running trends on the app.