A24's Problemista premiered in the United States on March 1, 2024. The movie is written, directed by and stars Julio Torres in the lead. Other prominent actors featured in the movie are Tilda Swinton, RZA, Greta Lee, Catalina Saavedra, and James Scully. The movie is narrated by Isabella Rossellini.
It tells the story of a young man with big dreams who is about to be deported from the U.S. He only has a month in hand and within that time he must get someone to co-sign his visa. The only person capable of doing so is his boss, played by Tilda Swinton, for whom he freelances.
However, the kind of relationship the two share is very complex, much like the relationship Saoirse Ronan's character shares with her mother in Lady Bird, which is also an A24 release. The main difference here is that this one is an entirely professional relationship while that one was familial.
As is the case with A24 releases, this movie has high explicit content. The movie which runs for 98 minutes has been rated R for se*ual content and some language.
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What does Problemista's R rating mean?
The R rating for Problemista means that the movie is unsuitable for viewing by people who are 17 years and younger. In case they do watch the movie they will have to watch it under the guidance of a parent or an adult.
The movie has been rated R for its se*ual content and language.
What has been the audience and the critics' reception towards Problemista?
Problemista has been garnering heaps of praise since its release. Some people have even drawn comparisons between Dune: Part Two and the movie, which was released on the same date. They have dubbed the movie as "a must-watch" and "a lot of fun."
The movie boasts a high rating among the critics on Rotten Tomatoes. It has been reviewed fresh at 91 per cent. On the platform, if any movie or show has received a rating of 90 per cent and above, indicating the movie as critically acclaimed.
Talking about the movie, acclaimed critic Carla Hay from Culture Mix says:
"Problemista has enough quirky charm to keep most viewers interested in what will happen next. It's a unique comedy/drama about an aspiring toy designer from El Salvador, his immigration issues in New York City, and his eccentric artist boss."
Amy Nicholson from The New York Times lauds Tilda Swinton's take on Elizabeth and writes:
"Swinton plays Elizabeth with her fingernails curled, like a badger looking for a fight. It’s a frightful and gargantuan performance that should come with a trigger warning. I’ve met an Elizabeth. You probably have, too."
Robert Kojder from Flickering Myth writes about the movie's writer, director, and star and says:
"Presenting the immigrant experience as a bleakly comedic fairytale in Problemista is not only creatively nourishing but also an imaginative way for comedian/star Julio Torres to convey those hurdles and struggles."
Problemista is currently available in limited theatres in the U.S.