In the world of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, where dark magic and supernatural secrets abound, Sabrina Spellman's cousin, Ambrose, finds himself in an unusual predicament. He has been put under house arrest for a staggering 75 years. While his cousin roams free, Ambrose has been confined to the Spellman family mortuary, a peculiar sentence imposed by the Witches Council. However, fans have been wondering what led to this seemingly eternal punishment.
The first hint of Ambrose's predicament emerges in the fourth episode as he defies the terms of his house arrest, risking encounters with otherworldly psychopomps. He does this to astral project himself on a date, a move that sparks questions about the origin of his sentence on Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.
When quizzed about the craziest thing he's ever done, Ambrose drops a bombshell. Surprisingly, the young warlock, Luke, dismisses it as a joke, but it's far from it.
"I'm not proud of it, but ... I was arrested for attempting to blow up the Vatican," Ambrose claims craziest thing he had ever done.
Ambrose was on house arrest in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina after he tried to blow up the Vatican
The revelation of Ambrose's dark past only fully unfolds in episode 8 of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina season 1. In the episode, he meets Father Blackwood, the high priest of the Church of Night.
In their conversation, Ambrose reveals the backstory, shedding light on the circumstances that led him to the Vatican bombing plot. His father's untimely death at the hands of witch hunters during his childhood left Ambrose seeking a father figure.
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina character then went on a journey through various universities. He engaged in a number of pursuits like "magic with Houdini" and "painting with expressionists" to find a father figure.
Ultimately, Ambrose found a mentor who filled the void, a man he describes as a "young Crowley," alluding to the occultist Aleister Crowley. This enigmatic mentor lured Ambrose into a conspiracy to blow up the Vatican, a plan that ultimately failed, leading to Ambrose's unfortunate capture.
It's crucial to note that while Ambrose wasn't the sole witch involved in the scheme, he was the only one arrested. When presented with an offer of immunity in exchange for revealing the names of his co-conspirators, Ambrose chose not to. He stood firm and refused to betray his fellow conspirators, even though this decision bore the weight of a 75-year house arrest sentence.
Father Blackwood, the high priest, makes a similar offer to Ambrose in the present day, aiming to ease his sentence. However, Ambrose maintains his unwavering loyalty to his co-conspirators and refuses yet again. In a twist in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Father Blackwood, rather than displaying anger, admires Ambrose's steadfastness and integrity.
Ambrose's sentence cannot be entirely lifted in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. However, Blackwood devises a way for Ambrose to contribute to the Academy of Unseen Arts by serving as a form of community service. The high priest also pledges to work toward a full pardon and eventual freedom for Ambrose, marking a glimmer of hope in his seemingly interminable house arrest.
Final thoughts
As Chilling Adventures of Sabrina unfolds its four gripping seasons, spanning from 2018 to 2020, Ambrose's punishment begins to exhibit signs of gradual leniency. These subtle shifts in his confinement gradually allow him to experience snippets of freedom within the enigmatic town of Greendale.
While the burden of his lengthy sentence hasn't entirely lifted, a glimmer of hope emerges and promises full exoneration. It may also lead to the revelation of his elusive mentor's identity in the upcoming season.
With the promise of a brighter future and a newfound sense of freedom, Ambrose's story in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina continues to intrigue and captivate. It leaves viewers eager to discover the mysteries yet to be unveiled in the next enchanting chapter of his life.