On August 8, 2023, the hashtag 'Apologize to Jimin' began trending on the social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter). This came after ARMYs expressed their concern about the ongoing controversy surrounding the game BTS Island: In the Seom. They believe that the game features false narratives surrounding the Like Crazy singer, leading to apparent disrespect.
In the latest update of the BTS Island: In the Seom game, Jimin's character is portrayed as incompetent and unable to sing. He finds himself surrounded by talented dancers and singers, even though he had never sung before joining the agency. Feeling inadequate, he contemplates leaving the group in the game, believing he's become a burden. Notably, even in-game members like Kim Namjoon and Suga offer Jimin stern advice instead of comfort.
Fans were concerned about the ongoing narrative that HYBE is fostering about its members and they called upon the agency to apologize to Jimin for the same.
"It's getting out of hand": ARMYs slam HYBE for creating fake narratives about Jimin
ARMYs believe that HYBE is purposely crafting a false narrative about Jimin's dance and singing skills via BTS Island: In the Seom. In the game, Jimin's character consistently belittles himself and receives unfavorable feedback. This came as a surprise to fans as Jimin is known for being a dedicated member who diligently practiced even before BTS's debut.
In the said game, the singer's character insults himself and states:
"When we were singing and dancing together. I was really surprised. Everyone was all so good. In comparison, I only joined recently and never really sang before. I think you might have stopped growing because I wasn't good enough. I'm sorry. I really want to stay with you guys."
He further considers leaving the group, mentioning that he believes he isn't well-suited for it.
"But if I continue to be of no help... If I keep on being a nuisance. Maybe it's better if I left the group?" he says.
In response, Suga, the rapper of the group, replies in a rather pessimistic tone, asking him to "practice more."
Despite the fact that the game portrays him as the weakest member of the group, Jimin doesn't get disheartened. He responds to Suga with a hopeful tone, saying:
"You're right. I should try harder. I have to try two times, maybe even three times harder than the others...I will try hard to be of help to Bangwool! So hyung, would you like to watch me practice."
Suga's character replies in a stern manner and states:
"Nope. I'm going back to sleep. If you don't get better, we're going to leave without you! You better try hard!"
Fans were enraged by their favorite idols' portrayal in the game. They also express concern over the apparent lack of empathy by Suga's character towards Jimin, despite the fact that in reality, Suga had been one of his biggest supporters.
Meanwhile, during the idol's interaction with Kim Namjoon's character in the game, he experiences a sense of emptiness, feeling unable to convey his emotions through music and subsequently feeling lost. Fans have asserted that the aforementioned narrative is false and misleading.
As Kim Namjoon asks him if he has anything to say through music, he replies:
"Yeah... 'I don't know what to say' is my biggest worry...I think that... I should lay low for the team's sake. I was thinking that I shouldn't let my poor skills show.
Naturally, fans were concerned about HYBE's treatment of the singer, as the agency labeled him as an inferior artist lacking skills and unable to express himself through music in the game.
Fans took to Twitter and urged HYBE to respect the idol and issue an apology to him and his fans. They also sent emails to the game's team, asking them to rectify their mistake.
BTS Island: In the Seom is a mobile game by BTS, which launched on June 28, 2022. This game combines a narrative-driven puzzle experience with casual character management, and the members of BTS were actively involved in its development.