Aquaman, the superhero from DC Comics, has faced many adversaries on his journey. From the Ocean Master to Black Manta, his foes emerge from all corners of the vast ocean. However, one villain surpasses them all in terms of hatred and an unwavering quest for revenge. This enigmatic rival is none other than Black Manta, an antagonist solely driven by a burning desire to bring him to his knees.
To truly grasp the depth of Black Manta's hatred towards the King of Atlantis, we must explore the origins of this character. Within the comic books, two known accounts shed light on the origins of his profound hatred. The most accepted popular version recounts how Black Manta takes revenge for his father.
He tragically witnessed his father's murder at the hands of Aquaman. This incident occurred during a confrontation where the King of Atlantis was defending himself. The profound impact of this heart-wrenching event left a mark on David's soul, igniting an unrelenting thirst for vengeance.
Origins of Black Manta's hatred for Aquaman: A lifelong feud with the King of Atlantis
Black Manta hates Aquaman for different reasons, depending on his origin story. In some versions, he blames him for not saving him from being abused by pirates or killing his father in a misunderstanding. In other versions, he wants to conquer the seas and views him as an obstacle.
In the 1993 series, Black Manta was a young boy who loved to play by the Chesapeake Bay. He was kidnapped and forced to work on a ship, where his captors tortured him. He saw Aquaman with his dolphin friends and tried to signal him for help, but he did not notice him.
The boy eventually killed one of his captors with a knife and escaped, but he developed a deep hatred for the sea and the King of Atlantis, whom he blamed for his ordeal. He vowed to become the master of the ocean and destroy everything that he loved.
In the 2003 series, Black Manta was an autistic orphan placed in Arkham Asylum. He felt comfortable in cold water but suffered from sensory overload in other environments. The attendants at Arkham did not know how to deal with his condition and subjected him to unethical experiments. He developed a helmet that allowed him to focus his thoughts on optic blasts.
The King of Atlantis accidentally triggered Black Manta’s helmet, causing him immense pain and anger. As a result of this traumatic experience, this incident marked the beginning of a long and bitter conflict between the two men.
As DC fans know, in the Aquaman (2018) film, Black Manta worked with his father on a submarine. In the ensuing fight, Aquaman kills Black Manta’s father, not with his bare hands, but leaves him to die in a submarine. Enraged by this betrayal, Black Manta solemnly swore to seek vengeance and devoted his existence to dismantling him and everything dear to him.
Future of Black Manta in the DC universe
Black Manta, a prominent antagonist in the DC Extended Universe, is poised to return in the upcoming sequel, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom.
As per the most recent plot summary, Black Manta is driven by a burning desire for revenge against the King of Atlantis and intends to unleash a formidable power to achieve his goal. He'll harness the legendary Black Trident, which possesses the ability to command an ancient and evil force.
The King of Atlantis will join forces with his brother Orm, the former ruler, to thwart Black Manta's sinister plans.
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom is scheduled for release on December 20, 2023.