Fire Country is an American action drama TV series created by Max Thieriot, Tony Phelan, and Joan Rater. Premiered on October 7, 2022, it follows Bode Donovan, a young convict seeking redemption in the California Conservation Camp Program.
Assigned to his hometown, he joins forces with former friends, inmates, and elite firefighters to combat massive fires in Northern California.
CBS viewers anticipating the release of Fire Country season 2 episode 2 on February 23 will have to wait a little longer as the scheduled air date is being delayed. The reason behind this delay is tied to the broadcast of the Milwaukee Bucks game that will preempt regular programming on CBS.
CBS Fire Country season 2 episode 2: Why is it getting delayed?
On Friday, Feb. 23, CBS 58 will broadcast a Milwaukee Bucks game, leading to the rescheduling of the show Fire Country. The Bucks will face off against the Minnesota Timberwolves in a highly anticipated Twin Cities showdown, with the tip-off scheduled for 9 p.m.
To accommodate this special event, CBS 58 will air a special edition of CBS 58 News at 8 p.m., followed by the Bucks pregame show at 8:30 p.m. Post-game coverage will also be included.
Following the Bucks game, the regular programming will resume, albeit with a shift in the schedule. The Late Show with Stephen Colbert will air late at 12 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 24. Subsequently, Fire Country is rescheduled to air at 2:02 a.m.
Additionally, there will be no CBS 58 News at 9 and 10 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 23, due to coverage of the Bucks game.
Fans eagerly awaiting the next installment of Fire Country should adjust their viewing schedules accordingly. The network aims to provide comprehensive coverage of the game, with special programming before and after the match, leading to a temporary rescheduling of regular shows.
Fire Country: What happened in season 1?
The first season follows the story of Bode Donovan, portrayed by Max Thieriot. Bode is a young prisoner who joins a firefighting program to earn a shorter prison sentence and redeem himself. He becomes a member of the California Conservation Camp Program and works side by side with highly skilled firefighters to battle colossal wildfires.
Throughout the season, Bode undergoes significant personal growth. Initially selfish, he transforms into a leader and hero, willing to make sacrifices for his friends. The storyline also explores Bode's relationships, including a new romance with Manny Perez's daughter, Gabriella.
However, the season takes a dark turn in the finale, titled I Know It Feels Impossible. Bode, along with fellow firefighter and inmate Freddy Mills, faces unexpected challenges during a search and rescue mission.
Despite their efforts, Bode decides to take the fall for Freddy when investigator Melody Herrard reveals that Bode has been implicated in a drug ring at the Three Rock camp. This sacrifice is intended to allow Freddy's wrongful conviction case to resume, ultimately leading to Bode's return to prison.
The season concludes with Bode being sentenced back to prison, separating him from his family, friends, and Gabriella.
Mark your calendars for the revised airing times of Fire Country on Saturday, Feb. 24, as CBS ensures an uninterrupted viewing experience for its audience.