For fans of the beloved family drama series Heartland, the unexpected farewell of Ty Borden, portrayed by Graham Wardle, was a heart-wrenching moment. The longest-running Canadian TV series invites viewers into the world of the Bartlett-Fleming family as they navigate the complexities of life while managing their ranch. Ty's character had been an integral part of the show, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of viewers worldwide.
The journey of Ty, filled with personal growth and love, took a surprising turn as the show transitioned to its 14th season. In this exploration, we unveil the circumstances of Ty's untimely demise and delve into why Graham Wardle chose to say goodbye to his cherished role.
Why Graham Wardle Chose to Leave Heartland
Graham Wardle's departure from Heartland marked a significant moment in the series' history. After 14 seasons, the actor decided to bid farewell to the character of Ty Borden.
In 2021, he shared insights into his decision with The Canadian Press. He expressed that he felt a deep calling to embark on a new direction in his career, stating:
"I felt in my heart it was time to move in a new direction."
Wardle also took to Heartland's official YouTube channel in January 2021 to provide further context for his departure. He shared that the decision was not made lightly and had been a result of several years of contemplation.
His departure was driven by the desire to honor both himself and the show that had been a significant part of his life for over a decade. He added:
"I’m following my heart, and I don’t know where it’s leading me, but that’s what life is about."
Graham Wardle's Post-Heartland Journey
Following his departure, Graham Wardle embarked on an exciting journey. He introduced a podcast titled Time Has Come, where he shared his experiences and also reconnected with his Heartland co-star, Amber Marshall, in an episode.
Notably, Wardle also ventured into the world of writing, authoring a book titled Find Your Truth. This book encompasses a collection of his writings and poetry, showcasing his creative evolution beyond the confines of his previous role.
Ty Borden: A Beloved Character
At the heart of the series is Amy Fleming, portrayed by Amber Marshall, who discovers her innate gift for healing horses, following in the footsteps of her late mother. The central thread of the series is Amy's life becoming intertwined with Ty Borden, a ranch hand with a complicated past.
Their remarkable journey sees their friendship bloom into love, eventually leading to marriage and the birth of their daughter, Lyndy. Yet, beneath the idyllic surface, the series showcases that life is never without its trials.
Ty's fate took a dramatic turn in season 14. In this poignant episode, titled Keep Me in Your Heart, a heart-wrenching event unfolds as Ty collapses while attending to Spartan, one of the ranch's horses.
Amy and her grandfather, Jack, rush to his aid, frantically trying to save the man they both love. The cause of his death was deep vein thrombosis, a condition that developed because of a gunshot wound he suffered earlier.
Graham Wardle's decision to leave the show was a poignant moment for fans and the show's cast and crew, but the enduring legacy of Ty Borden's character continues to live on in the hearts of Heartland enthusiasts.
Seasons 1 to 15 of Heartland are available for streaming on Netflix in the United States. The latest episodes of season 17 are currently accessible through CBC and CBC Gem.