Actor Lisa Rinna has slammed the Bravo show, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, for giving only “one episode of grace” for paying homage to her mother, Lois DeAndrade Rinna, who passed away in November 2021 at the age of 93 after suffering a stroke.
Lisa Rinna said that it is a “shame on everyone” as “Lois deserved and deserves much more.”
The reality star also expressed her unhappiness on her Instagram Story on Sunday as she shared a post from the Pink Pop Box podcast's account featuring Lisa and Lois. The podcast post read:
"I just want to point something out the disparity of what production feels is relevant and what is actually a real human thing happening in front of them and what they think will get ratings shocks me sometimes."
The post further continued:
"The Garcelle La Quinta setup with Crystal's dark word. Was super obsessed on. I am a little shocked that they only chose, beautifully I might add, but chose to only show a portion a mere moment of the loss of Lois Rinna and how it impacted Lisa Rinna we have spent the past Nine episodes worrying about dinner tables and who had the first worst thing happen to them this year."
The post also talked about how home invasion with guns and the passing of a loved one are not popular things, "but they're real things to talk about and this is the real reality of their lives."
The post mentioned that the reason Real Housewives of Beverly Hills had a successful season last year was "because it was gritty, it was honest, it was dark, it was real." But this time, the show has given the "most superficial sensationalized edit."
The post continued:
"What we have this year is two ladies deciding that they're going to try to take control of the entire group's narrative and spin it into their own, where they come out smelling like a rose. I don't think it's going to work out the way these two ladies think it's going to. It's going to backfire on them big time in just about T minus 4 weeks. Then let's see how popular you are. Now I could be wrong it's happened before we shall see."
The "dark" comment referred to Crystal Kung Minkoff repeatedly making comments about Sutton Stracke's race last season.
Lisa Rinna's late mother made frequent appearances on the reality show for years and was loved by all, including the viewers and the cast.
Lisa Rinna slams Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
The “4 time Emmy nominated, NYTIMES best-selling author” Lisa Rinna announced the news of her mother's demise on Instagram alongside her wedding picture. Following her death, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills showed only a portion of Lisa's grief process. The show’s way of honoring her passing away did not go well with Lisa and she minced no words in expressing her displeasure about the outcome.
Lisa Rinna shared her thoughts via a Twitter message on Monday, July 18 saying she thought the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills would show more of Lois on the show since she was also a part of the reality show and was loved by all.
However, before the reality show aired of Lois' episode, Lisa admitted on Instagram that she was not ready to watch her mom passing away on air. The actress wrote on her Instagram Story in May:
“Grief is a tricky little devil. In a week or so, my Mom will pass on the show and I am not looking forward to reliving this but I'm trying to accept what is. I find it so interesting that rage has been so ever present for me during this time. I wonder if any of you have felt like that during the grieving process? I am having a very hard time but I'm trying to just allow space for all of the feelings."
In season 12 of the reality show, Lisa was seen sharing her grief with her fellow Housewives, saying she is “trying to figure out how to live without my mom.” She even admitted that she is “in a lot of pain” but is “doing the best” to deal with the loss.
It was not the first time Lois had suffered a stroke. Wife to Harry Hamlin and mother-of-two Lisa informed fans via Twitter in May 2019 that her mother had a “devastating stroke 6 years ago and had to learn how to walk and talk again after months of rehabilitation, she is one of the lucky ones.”
Lisa even admitted that after recovering from stroke “she is not the same as she once was, but she has overcome so much.”
Lois' late husband, Frank Rinna, passed away in January 2016. Lisa is still dealing with the loss along with her family who adored her and believes “she will be with them as their guardian Angel forever.”