The Met Gala 2023 took place on May 1 and designer Jenna Lyons joined the popular fashion event in a sheer white top and black suit. She has given some of the most fashionable looks for the Met Gala in the past seven years as a fashion designer and style icon. Jenna also recently joined the season 14 cast of RHONY and was seen sharing her fashion insights with a glamor panel for the Live From E!: The Met Gala show.
This year, she recalled how the photographers were screaming her name repeatedly and she thought that they wanted to take her picture. What happened next shocked her and she said:
"I realized that they just wanted me to move because Rihanna was behind me."
One of the fellow panelists was astonished by this and yelled:
"Are you telling me you were photobombed by Riri?"
Lyons went on to tell her fellow panelists how the Met Gala was “one of the most magical nights” and everyone would “just kind of black out” at the event.
Some of Jenna Lyons' most iconic looks
In 2012, Jenna Lyons’ kept it chic with a denim jacket top with white cuffs and a dramatic pink long skirt. In her interview, she had explained that she did not want to wear something "silk or sparkly" so took it “down a notch with denim.”
She kept the bar high for Met Gala 2013 by wearing a khaki-colored sweater, which read "Sharif Don’t Like It” with a long black skirt and big beaded neckwear. The Telegraph praised this look as “her most memorable red carpet look to date.”
Lyons’ 2015 look was one for the books as she totally understood the theme “China: Through the Looking Glass.” She was spotted wearing a white J. Crew pajama set covered in chain mail and paired with classy gold heels.
Jenna’s 2016 look was in a group with Lena Dunham and Jennifer Konner. The trio wore Lyon’s signature glasses and black suits. Lyon was seen in a ruffled white blouse and a black blazer as the ladies blew away fans with their matching pants.
Jenna’s 2017 look was all about trendy colors as she wore a coral long skirt and an olive-green vest filled with brooches and jeweled pins.
Why is Jenna Lyons joining the RHONY season 14 cast?
Jenna Lyons was the president of the fashion group J. Crew and five years after stepping down from the position, she will now be seen in RHONY's rebooted version. She said in an interview that she never would have taken up such a gig 10 years ago but now wants to “try something different and challenging.”
On the Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, she joked about leaving her fashion-oriented life and said:
"(It’s) not the most, like, natural career change, I know."
She revealed that after J. Crew, she was in search of a new opportunity and got to know about the RHONY reboot through some podcasts. Lyons is the first ever gay woman on the show and while she did not reveal anything about the upcoming drama, she did say:
"Trust me. It’s a moment."
Jenna Lyons is one of the seven cast members of RHONY season 14 with an all-new cast, which includes Sai De Silva, Ubah Hassan, Erin Dana Lichy, Jessel Taank, and Brynn Whitfield. The new season premieres on July 16 on Bravo.