Generation Z is reportedly offended by the Thumbs Up emoji. Some Reddit users wrote on the social media platform that the emoji comes off as “passive-aggressive,” “hurtful,” and “rude.” Netizens have since taken to social media to put the younger generation on blast.
The Gen Z, or Generation Z, refers to those people who are born between the middle to late 1990s and the early 2010s. They are the generation who have predominantly grown around technology.
Reddit user Dry_Interaction6220 has been going viral on the platform after admitting that they are not “comfortable” with the Thumbs Up emoji. They claimed that they found the emoticon “unsettling.” They also elaborated by saying:
“I started an 'adult' job where we use Microsoft Teams to connect with each other for work. Currently, there only a few emojis you can use to react to a message (unless of course, you respond, and can use any emoji). Most people at work use the 'thumbs up' reaction all the time. I don't use it much. I either 'heart' reactions or reply even if it's a short "Great!" or "Thanks!"”
Since the post was uploaded to the platform, it went viral across other social media websites as well. Many news publications reported on the same and put Gen Z on blast.
Netizens react to Generation Z being uncomfortable with the Thumbs Up emoji
Internet users were perplexed by the controversy surrounding the Thumbs Up emoji. Different generations got into a heated debate over the matter. While many Generation Z people admitted to having no problem with the emoji, millennials and older generations swarmed the internet with the emoji just to get a heated reaction from the younger generation.
Many Gen Z netizens stated that they should not make assumptions about an entire generation from one Reddit user.
Twitter was flooded with millennials putting Generation Z on blast, with the latter announcing that they do not have a problem with the emoji in reality. A few tweets read:
However, a few netizens admitted to feeling uneasy about using the Thumbs Up emoji.
Moreover, the same was also discussed by Fox News. On the Outnumbered show on Wednesday afternoon, panelists claimed that they interpreted the emoji in question as “A-Ok.”
Kayleigh McEnany admitted to using other emojis like the red heart or the poop emoji that have been “cancelled” as well. She said:
“My top emojis are the thumbs-up, the brown swirl — which I don’t know if that’s pudding … and red heart”
Emojis reportedly “canceled” by Generation Z revealed
Although the debate surrounding the Thumbs Up emoji is still ongoing, a few other emojis have been deemed to be "canceled" by youngsters. Perspectus Global conducted a survey of 2000 people between the ages of 16 and 29. They concurred that those who use the following emojis can be considered to be “officially old”:
- Red heart
- “OK” hand
- Checkmark
- Poop
- Loud crying face
- Monkey covering eyes
- Clapping hands
- Grimacing face
- Lipstick kiss mark
Emily Compagno of Fox News admitted that she does not plan to change her emoji usage based on what Gen Z feels. Additionally, she called the latter “a bunch of snowflakes.”