Wild Rift presents players with the option of choosing from 49 champions out of the entire pool of 145 champions from League of Legends. However, for someone who's new to the title, there are a certain few heroes which they should prefer over the others.
For the sake of getting better at Wild Rift, it is advised that new players try out these specific champions to get a better understanding of the game.
Top Champions in Wild Rift for new players
A top lane tank with extremely straightforward mechanics, Garen has high durability as well as a silence skill. The Demacian Knight deals true damage to his opponents when he uses his ultimate.

A strong 1v1 duelist, Garen is one of the strongest top lane champions who becomes active in the early to mid game stage of a match.
One of the simplest Attack-Damage Carry(ADC) in Wild Rift, Ashe is ideal for new players.

Despite of being a ranged hero, Ashe can use her ultimate, "Enchanted Crystal Arrow" to stun an enemy and initiate a team fight.
Hailing from Demacia like Garen, Lux, or Luxanna Crownguard, is a strong Light Mage. She has the ability to stun two champions at the same time, using her skill called Light Binding.

Lux's ultimate - Final Spark, reveals nearby enemies, while also dealing massive damage. With simple control and skill mechanics, Lux is one of the ideal heroes for newcomers to learn as a Midlaner.
Master Yi
The jungling samurai Champion, Master Yi has an insane amount of attack speed as well as mobility, which makes up for his lack of a blink.

Known for massive bursts of damage with extreme high mobility and simple mechanics, Master Yi is definitely one of the heroes to try if you want to learn the art of jungling.
One of the most annoying champions that you can have to face as a top lane is Blitzcrank. The robot with extremely annoying early game skills is the perfect support for any ADC

For a newbie to Wild Rift, this champion might be a little difficult towards the beginning, especially with the evading skills. However, with incredibly annoying skills, the chances are that you would probably frustrate your enemy into getting tilted, thus benefiting your ADC.
This is our list of Top 5 heroes for beginners that are present in the Wild Rift Open Beta, launching from 27 October 2020.