Hilda, the enchanting animated series available for streaming on Netflix, has left fans eagerly anticipating the possibility of Hilda season 4. Adapted from Luke Pearson's graphic novel series, the show's premise follows Hilda, Twig, and her friends Frida and David as they embark on various adventures, interacting with mysterious creatures, people, and spirits in and around Trolberg.
With its well-crafted narrative and beloved characters, the show has emerged as a gem on the streaming platform. As viewers bid farewell to season 3, the question that arises is about the continuation of the adventures of the fearless Hilda.
While the third season seems to be the final installment of the series, delving into the insights provided by the creators, cast, and streaming platform helps in dissecting the current status. These might answer the question about the possibility of Hilda season 4.
Will there be a Hilda season 4 on Netflix?
Despite the show's popularity and critical acclaim, Luke Pearson, the author and creator of the series, has declared season 3 as the series finale, and there won’t be a Hilda season 4. Pearson previously told Animation Magazine,
“It will sadly be the final season, but I’m excited for people to see what we’ve got in store — especially since we’re beyond the books, so it’s all a surprise. I’d say it’s less about checking in on what we’ve seen before, and more about exploring aspects of Hilda’s world that have gone unspoken until now.”
Bella Ramsey, who voices Hilda and Luke Pearson on their respective social media platforms, offered further insights about the series' renewal with their statements. Ramsey's Instagram post reflects on her seven-year journey with Hilda, confirming that season 3 is a final farewell.
Insights into season 3 and the future
Produced by Silvergate Media and Mercury Filmworks, the show revolves around the adventures of an 11-year-old girl named Hilda. Alongside her mother, Johanna, and her deer fox named Twig, Hilda relocates to the fictional city of Trolberg after a giant destroys their forest residence.
Despite transitioning from the wilderness to city life, Hilda maintains her ability to befriend even the most formidable monsters. Season 3 unfolds as Hilda explores new mysteries, following the events of the movie Hilda and the Mountain King and offering a more focused, ongoing narrative.
While Hilda season 4 is not currently on Netflix's agenda, it's crucial to recognize the unpredictable trajectory of animated series. The passionate fanbase of Hilda, built over the years, could be influential in determining the future of the series.
Viewer engagement, social media campaigns, and petitions have been effective in prompting revivals of shows in the entertainment industry. While the official stance is that season 3 marks the conclusion of the series, fervent pleas from fans could potentially alter the course, highlighting the impact of audiences' opinions and demands.
The fact that Hilda returned for season 3 after a two-year hiatus, defying expectations, showcases the unpredictable nature of show renewals. With a devoted fanbase and the history of series like Futurama staging comebacks, the potential for Hilda season 4, despite current declarations, remains a possibility.
Closing thoughts
The series debuted on Netflix on September 21, 2018, and has garnered both critical acclaim and appreciation from viewers. It secured multiple Annie Awards, including Best Children's Series twice, and Emmy Awards for categories such as Outstanding Main Title Sequence, Outstanding Children's TV Series, and Outstanding Editing in a Daytime Program.
Viewers can watch all 3 seasons of Hilda on Netflix.