Monarch: Legacy of Monsters revolves around two siblings following in their father's footsteps to discover the truth behind their family lineage. They embark on an odyssey following the war between Godzilla and Kong. Released on November 17, 2023, the season finale came to an end with kaiju combat, a two-year time leap, and the main leads' separation from Monarch, a covert organization.
In the season finale, the group is having a hard time figuring out how to escape Axis Mundi, whereas Tim and Kentaro form an unexpected alliance. Although Episode 10, titled Beyond Logic, attempted to tie some loose ends, fans were still left questioning Monarch's legacy by the end of the series. Episode 11 was never on the cards, as Apple TV+ concluded season 1 with only 10 episodes.
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters is the sixth installment and second MonsterVerse television series. Based on the events of Godzilla and produced by Toho Co., Ltd., the series was created by Chris Black and Matt Fraction for Apple TV+.
The series stars Anna Sawai, Kiersey Clemons, Ren Watabe, Mari Yamamoto, Anders Holm, Joe Tippett, Elisa Lasowski, Wyatt and Kurt Russell, among others.
Will there be Monarch: Legacy of Monsters Episode 11?
So far, the MonsterVerse series has received a lot of positive feedback from critics and Apple TV+ subscribers. Many fans have been inquiring about the status of the next possible episode. However, Monarch: Legacy of Monsters was intended to be a ten-episode series. Thus, there is no possibility of Episode 11.
Season 2 has not yet been commissioned at the time of the series production. However, given that the episode ended with a set-up for future developments, this may happen. If season 2 is greenlit, it will be interesting to see if it is directly related to the upcoming film Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire.
Where can you watch season 1 of Monarch: Legacy of Monsters?
Season 1 of Monarch: Legacy of Monsters is currently available to stream on Apple TV+. As per the official description of the series,
"Following the thunderous battle between Godzilla and the Titans that leveled San Francisco and the shocking revelation that monsters are real, “Monarch: Legacy of Monsters” tracks two siblings following in their father’s footsteps to uncover their family’s connection to the secretive organization known as Monarch..."
Season 1 explores two different periods, the 1950s and the 2010s, and focuses on the aftermath of the epic fight between Godzilla and the Titans, which destroyed San Francisco. The season finale, Beyond Logic, is not to be missed because it features an intriguing storyline.
As per the official synopsis, it reads,
"The team struggles to find a way out of Axis Mundi; Kentaro and Tim make an unexpected alliance."
Godzilla and the Ion Dragon engage in a massive monster battle, and Hiroshi, Kentaro, and Tim rejoin Keiko, Cate, and May as they flee Apex as Kong approaches in the final episode.
Be sure to stay tuned for further news and updates on the MonsterVerse television series titled Monarch: Legacy of Monsters.