The Nun II, a much-anticipated mystery horror thriller directed by Michael Chaves, will hit theaters on September 8, 2023. The story follows Sister Irene, now a nun in her own right, as she is sent to a remote convent in Romania to banish the wicked nun Valak, who is claimed to haunt the place.
The story focuses on Irene as she quickly learns about terrible characters hiding in the shadows. The convent is also a location of a sinister secret that could have catastrophic effects on the planet. A gateway to hell is the convent's sinister secret. A group of monks who were experimenting with black magic built this portal. Valak eventually murdered the monks, but the portal was still open.
In order to vanquish Valak and shut the portal to hell, Sister Irene must employ all of her training and skills. But even if she is successful, the darkness that has engulfed the area might prevent her from ever leaving.
While The Nun II's intriguing and enthralling plotline has caught the attention of many around the world, the possibility that a The Nun sequel could already be in the works has managed to make headlines.
The Nun II's sequel is possible hints director Michael Chaves

The Nun II director Michael Chaves, who has also previously helmed numerous other horror movies including the wildly popular The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It recently appeared for an interview with SFX Magazine to discuss his new project.
When the question of whether the demon of Valak had been exterminated or if a third installment of The Nun is planned, the director hinted at an extremely definitive answer by commenting,
"There’s a line in the movie: 'Demons are infinite.’ I like the idea that she’s always been here in different forms. I think that there’s still more stories of Valak the demon nun to be told."
Set in 1956, the forthcoming sequel, The Nun II, continues the story of Sister Irene as she sets out to expel the evil spirits of Irene and Valak that have come into contact recently. Chaves continued by talking about the franchise's timeframe, which in a way hints at how a third film would be able to fit in the existing storyline. He said,
"I wouldn’t want to give anything away, but this is continuing the timeline. Anyone who saw the first Conjuring knows that Maurice is possessed and then exorcised by the Warrens, and we know that that happens in the late '60s in the Conjuring timeline."
"This is set in the '50s so we’re still a ways off from that. The events of what happens in between this starts to fill out that story a little bit more. There’s other big ideas and big swings in there, and it’s filled with a bunch of cool Easter eggs. Without giving anything away it continues to fill out the picture and the bigger canvas."
The Conjuring 2's introduction of demon nun Valak served as one of the movie's more distinctly scary moments, leading to the character getting its own spinoff, The Nun. A new addition to the film series would surely be a treat for all horror lovers, and would undoubtedly garner strong box office results.
The Nun II premieres in theatres on September 8, 2023.