With every new date, comes a new Wordle solution. The popular word-game was created by a Brooklyn couple and released on the internet late last year. By the time the New Year hit, the game had become a viral phenomenon.
Millions of players visit the game's website every day to try their hand at solving the quiz. Many of these players have made the game a part of their lives. They make sure to find some time in their busy schedule to solve the quiz.
Word-game enthusiasts even look for clues to the answer when they are unable to figure out the solution. This article contains helpful hints for such players.
The solution for Wordle #422 rhymes with "joker"
Here are some clues for the next round of Wordle:
1) The word begins with the letter P
2) The word contains the letter K
3) The word contains two vowels in it
4) The word ends with the letter R
The answer for Monday's Wordle#422 is a fairly common word that rhymes with "joker."
Spoiler: The answer to the August 15 game is in the following sentence.
The solution for the August 15 game is "poker."
According to Merriam Webster, poker is "any of several card games in which a player bets that the value of his or her hand is greater than that of the hands held by others, in which each subsequent player must either equal or raise the bet or drop out, and in which the player holding the highest hand at the end of the betting wins the pot."
The word is also used to refer to a person who is "poking."
The history of Wordle
Brooklyn-based engineer Josh Wardle made the game for his puzzle-loving wife, Palak Shah. The name of the game is a reference to Wardle's name.
The couple collaborated to create a prototype for the game in 2013. They asked their friends to review it for them, but sadly, the reviewers didn't like it. They complained that the game was filled with random and absurd solutions. Additionally, they could solve as many grids as they wanted, which made the game boring.
The couple decided to drop the game after receiving the reviews, and they forgot about it for almost 10 years. During this time, Wardle created two successful experiments, called Button and Place, while working at Reddit.
The couple finally got back to their old project while spending the majority of their free time during the COVID-19 quarantine playing quizzes.
They decided to modify their old project to make it more attractive to players. To achieve that, Shah filtered the solution list and removed all the absurd words, while Wardle added a one-game per day limit to the game.
Their plan worked, and Wordle started gaining attention from their friends. New players started to join the game with every passing day, encouraging Wardle to release it publicly.
The game was released to the public in October 2021. After its release, the game went viral and was acquired by the New York Times, which bought it for a seven-figure price in January 2022. The NYT later released a website called WordleBot to help players understand the game better.
They recently announced the launch of a board game based on the online quiz. Made in partnership with Hasbro, the board game is expected to be launched sometime in October 2022.