Wordle was created as a personal project. However, it took over social media during the pandemic. Its website attracted over 2 million daily players in February 2022.
Numerous users have made the game a part of their daily lives. They make sure to solve the quiz without fail. Glued-in fans even look for hints to solve the game sometimes. This article consists of clues for Thursday's puzzle.
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The solution for Wordle #446 rhymes with "glass"
1) The word begins with the letter C
2) The word contains the letter L
3) The word contains only one vowel
4) The word ends with the letter S
The answer for Thursday is a fairly common word that rhymes with "glass."
Spoiler: The answer to the September 8 game is in the following sentence.
The solution for September 8 is "class."
According to Merriam-Webster, a class is "a body of students meeting regularly to study the same subject." It can also be "a body of students or alumni whose year of graduation is the same."
The story behind Wordle
Brooklyn-based engineer Josh Wardle created Wordle for his wife, Palak Shah, who loved solving puzzles. The couple worked together to create a prototype for the quiz in 2013 and asked their friends to review it. Sadly, the game received negative reviews, with fans complaining that it was filled with absurd words.
The negative reviews made them drop the game for almost a decade. During this time, Wardle worked at Reddit and conceptualized Button and Place for the platform.
The couple was reminded of their old project during the COVID-19 lockdown. During this global pandemic, they would spend most of their free time-solving quizzes.
They decided to fix the problem and make it more enjoyable for the players. To achieve that, Shah filtered the game's solution list, while Wardle added a one-game-per-day feature.
The updated game was not only enjoyable but also very addictive. Players kept returning to the quiz every day. The player base soon grew enough for Wardle to release it to the public domain in October 2021.
Soon after its release, the game became a viral sensation and attracted the media giant New York Times, which bought the game for a seven-figure sum in January 2022.
Some interesting variations of Wordle
The game has inspired numerous variations and spin-offs. A few among those have turned out to be quite popular. Here are four exciting spin-offs of Wordle:
1) Heardle: The musical version of the game, which has been acquired by Spotify. Players must guess a song by listening to small audio snippets.
2) Movidle: The movie version of the game where players are supposed to guess a film by viewing a super accelerated version. The first clip is 1 second long and gets slower with every wrong or skipped attempt.
3) Lookdle: A game where players have to recognize a celebrity by looking at a heavily pixelated version of their image.
4) Geordle: It requires players to recognize a country and its capital by only looking at the number of letters in their name. The game only accepts the correct letters, making it fun to play.