Recently, Felix “xQc” Lengyel posted a hilarious “room tour” in response to Imane “Pokimane” Anys posting a similar video on YouTube a few days ago.
Pokimane had earlier revealed that she will be moving out of the house that she shares with the likes of Rachel “Valkyrae” Hofstetter, Janet “xChocobars” Rose, and Celina “Starsmitten” Mitten. Before doing so, she decided to post a “room tour,” in which she also shared her gaming setup.
Pokimane showed off her custom-made NZXT BLD PC that she claimed had been working well for two years now. Regardless, xQc held his own “room-tour” on Twitch in a hilarious manner. The streamer got overtly excited about his bed and revealed a messy desk full of food and drink items.
xQc mimics Pokimane’s room-tour in a hilarious fashion
During Pokimane’s room-tour, she went over her gaming setup and room accessories in detail. She also revealed her closet, her makeup items, bathroom, and most of the products that she used. xQc was clearly mocking Pokimane via his room-tour but did not go to the lengths of posting a YouTube video.
Instead, the streamer started off by showing some mundane items to his chat:
“The door, which I (use) to enter the room. The main monitor at which I do the gaming. The right monitor, at which I read the chat and I don’t read donations. The table, at which I eat food. The keyboard, on which I type. The mouse, with which I click.”
Quite a few viewers were horrified to see the buildup of trash on xQc’s desk. A range of food and drink items, along with wrappers and plastic bottles/cans, could be seen on the streamer’s desk. However, xQc was not done, as he went on to scream about his Stream Deck features before excitedly showing off his unkempt bed. The clip has since made its way to the /r/LivestreamFail subreddit, where a range of viewers made fun of the mess xQc had made.
xQc is currently staying at Chance “Sodapoppin” Morris’ home, as the house that he shares with his girlfriend Sam “Adeptthebest” is undergoing certain “changes.”
He recently claimed he is planning to relocate to Canada after being repeatedly swatted. The streamer is currently staying at Sodapoppin’s house until his move. As can be seen in the comments, quite a few users said that xQc should not be making such a mess at someone else’s house.

It must be noted that xQc has been known to be a "messy" streamer previously as well. He posted the above tweet back in April 2020.