Yellowjackets aired its pilot episode a week ago and it was one of the most intriguing first episodes of any show. It set the tone and hooked viewers from the outset with an off-beat storyline switching between past and present, and a great re-creation of the nineties.
The second episode of Yellowjackets is set to be released on November 21, at 10:00 PM ET. It will primarily deal with the aftermath of the plane crash and perhaps show a glimpse of how different members of the team reacted to the situation.
Viewers became obsessed with the show after watching the first episode and are eagerly awaiting the second.
'Yellowjackets' Episode 1 recap
Yellowjackets aired its first episode and had viewers hooked from the very first moment by the murder of a girl with a dangling gold necklace - an important foreshadowing for the future of the show. A masked person is also seen here.
Cut to the past and we are introduced to various members of a girl's high school soccer team called "Yellowjackets" who are bound for the nationals that year. Various members of the team include Shauna (Melanie Lynskey) and Jackie (Ella Pumell). Their stories and internal politics are shown.
This is intercut with the present-day narrative of players like Shauna, who was married to Jeff Sadecki (Warren Cole), shown to be Jackie's boyfriend in the past. There is also a reporter who wants a "story" about their "survival". This really amps up the excitement.
The episode ultimately untangles the plot as scenes of a plane crash are shown when the players are traveling to the nationals. This results in the team being trapped in the forest for 19 months before they are rescued.
Whatever happened during those 19 months and whatever will happen to all of them in the future as a result of it makes up the plot of the series.
'Yellowjackets' Episode 2: What to expect
The most probable thing that will happen in this episode is that the story of the plane crash will be shown in more detail. With many members of the team likely injured and lost in a place with no connection to the outside world, this episode may begin showing how the different members react to the situation and scavenge for survival.
The show's logline already teases cannibalistic clans, so it will be interesting to see how some of the members morph into those roles while others make it out. The next episode is titled "F Sharp".