ABC's popular family drama show, A Million Little Things, will conclude with its fifth season. ABC has shared a video wherein the show's cast officially announces that the drama series will end with the upcoming installment, which is set to be released on February 8, 2023.
Ever since the announcement was made, fans on Twitter have been expressing their disappointment over the news. One user mentioned that the show made them ''laugh, and cry, and reflect.''
Netizens in disbelief as A Million Little Things concludes with season 5 in 2023
Several fans took to Twitter to share their views on A Million Little Things' end early next year. Many seemed sad that the show was ending, while others expressed their gratitude to the makers, cast, and crew.
Take a look at some of the reactions on Twitter:
In the video shared by ABC, the cast announced the premiere date of the next season and stated that it'd be the show's final installment. They went on to express their gratitude to fans and said that ''now feels like the right time to say goodbye.'' Series creator DJ Nash said in a statement (obtained via Deadline),
''I know seeing this show end may be sad for many people (especially my mom who watches live every week), but I always knew I wanted to follow these friends for 5 seasons and leave them when the time was right.''
Nash further praised the actors, writers, directors, and crew while also mentioning that he's grateful that ABC has prioritized the subject of mental health awareness.
A quick look at A Million Little Things plot and cast
A Million Little Things tells the story of a group of friends whose entire outlook on life and friendships change after the death of one of their own. Here's the synopsis of the series, as per Rotten Tomatoes:
''It has been said that friendship isn't one big thing, it's a million little things. That is certainly true for a group of friends from Boston who bonded under unexpected circumstances. Some have achieved success, others are struggling in their careers and relationships, but all of them feel stuck in life.''
The description further states:
''After one of them dies unexpectedly, it's just the wake-up call the others need to finally start living. Along the way, they discover that friends may be the one thing that can save them from themselves.''
The series has received primarily mixed-to-positive reviews from critics. It enjoys a massive fan following among viewers, thanks to its emotional storyline, relatable characters, and performances by the cast.
The show features David Giuntoli as Eddie Saville, Romany Malco as Rome Howard, Allison Miller as Maggie Bloom, and Christina Moses as Regina Howard, among many others, in significant roles. The supporting cast includes actors like Stéphanie Szostak, Tristan Byon, Floriana Lima, Chance Hurstfield, and many more.
The show is helmed by DJ Nash, who also serves as an executive producer. Nash is a noted screenwriter whose credits include 'Til Death and Traffic Light.
Don't miss A Million Little Things season 5 on ABC on February 8, 2023.