With the new Korean drama, "Youth of May," viewers are transported back to the 1980s. Specifically, the drama follows the story of young people in Gwangju, South Korea, in May 1980, where a democratic uprising led mostly by students was met mercilessly by the South Korean military under the dictatorship of Chun Doo Hwan.
While eventual tragedy looms in Youth of May, the K-Drama is mainly about the love story of Hwang Hee Tae (Lee Do Hyun) and Kim Myung Hee (Go Min Si). The drama is also rounded out by other characters who get involved in the political turmoil that surrounds them.
Read on to learn more about the upcoming episode of Youth of May and what to expect.
When will Youth of May Episode 3 air?
Youth of May airs on KBS2 every Monday and Tuesday. Episode 3 will air on May 10th at 9:30 PM Korean Standard Time and will be available to stream internationally on Rakuten Viki shortly afterward.
Youth of May will air on May 11th at a similar schedule.
Also read: Is Youth of May based on a true story? Upcoming K-Drama will focus on history of Gwangju Uprising
What happened previously in Youth of May?
Youth of May begins in the present when workers at a construction site in Gwangju uncover buried skeletons. The remains are suspected to be of those who were killed during the Gwangju Uprising. Elsewhere at a train station, a man who looks like he is contemplating jumping off the platform is stopped by the news of the remains.
Youth of May then transitions to the 1980s, where viewers meet Hwang Hee Tae, a young medical student who has been traumatized after his friend is hurt badly and is in a critical condition at the hospital. Hee Tae tries to arrange to transfer her to a hospital in Gwangju but is met with difficulties.
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Meanwhile, Kim Myung Hee is a nurse who gets an offer to go to medical school in Germany but is unable to afford it. Myung Hee is not afraid to stand up to her colleagues and works hard, earning their ire.
The two main leads first cross paths when Myung Hee is reprimanded for standing up to a rude patient. Later, Hee Tae sees a young boy get hit by a car. Hee Tae almost has a panic attack but is recovered when he sees Myung Hee rushing to the young boy's aid.
Later, Hee Tae's father, Hwang Gi Nam (Oh Man Seok), an investigator who tortures protestors, tells Hee Tae that he will help to transfer the latter's friend to Gwangju if he gets married to Lee Soo Ryeon (Keum Sae Rok), the daughter of a businessman.
Soo Ryeon, who fights for social justice, is similarly asked by her father, Lee Chang Geun (Uhm Hyo Seop), to date Hee Tae if she wants his help to release her friends from prison. Soo Ryeon and her friends had been arrested for distributing pro-democratic flyers, with Soo Ryeon having been released early, thanks to her father.
Soo Ryeon does not want to date the son of someone who works with the authoritarian government, so she asks Myung Hee to go in her place and pretend to be her. In return, Soo Ryeon will help pay for her ticket to Germany to go to medical school.
While Myung Hee tries her best to get Hee Tae to dislike her and break up, Hee Tae has already fallen for the young nurse. Through Hee Tae's kind acts, Myung Hee also begins to fall for him.
By the end of Episode 2 of Youth of May, Myung Hee and Soo Ryeon run into Chang Geun and Hee Tae. Worried their ruse would be exposed, the women wait nervously. However, Hee Tae seems to be aware of the ruse as he greets the actual Soo Ryeon.
What to expect in Youth of May Episode 3?
In the preview for Youth of May Episode 3, Soo Ryeon's father introduces Myung Hee to Hee Tae. Later, Hee Tae speaks to Myung Hee about the scheme that is going on. Myung Hee feels apologetic towards Hee Tae, who is still determined to spend more time with her. He finds out where she lives and visits her, surprising Myung Hee.
Hee Tae is also seen getting drunk and wanting to spend time talking to Myung Hee, who seems just as enraptured by him. Meanwhile, Soo Ryeon's brother, Lee Soo Chan (Lee Sang Yi), seems to be interested in Myung Hee.